'I think your brothers are right, they should go with you.' Her mother said, she wasn't looking at her but at the window and she was in deep thought and then turned around to her husbands direction 'What do you think dear?' She asked, she sounded worried. Its the first time I saw my mother like this.

For a moment his father didn't answer 'Is it wise to send this two too?' His father ask to no one. More like to himself but I answered him.

'No. I don't want them to go with me, i wont let them this is my problem. We're family but this time you cant help me.' I told them

'Whether you like it or not Alister and I will go with you even if our parents would oppose.' Aiden said and he was glaring at me but I shook my head. 'Just accept it already, this kind of conversation really doesn't suit us!' He added which made me nod.

'No, don't make me-' i didn't finish what I was about to say because Alister cut me off.

'Make you what? Are you going to do to us what you did to your beloved?'

I froze and suddenly lost.

It hurts.

I didn't want what i did, I'm a very greedy girl but it was the only thing i can think of. Was their any choice?

If i didn't do that He wont leave me alone, he'd stay by my side as he promise but i cant allow it. If i did i'll loss him for real this time, it would kill him just being with me.

Maybe if i started learning...When i look up I saw them backing away, her mother and father look terrified while his two brothers was on guard. That's when she notice the red blades on her back, three on her right and left; the blade were curved like spiders legs. She willed it back the blood on her body and pick up the old satchel and sling it to her body. 'No.' I didn't continue it rather I said 'I guess this it. I'll be back, i promise.' I told them as I wave goodbye. 'Who you think i am?'

'Make you what? Are you going to do to us what you did to your beloved?'
No. She won't do that, convincing them is possible but for Hunter. I'm sure he would never leave her, she would always comes first and the longer he stays with her the more his life would be in danger.

There was something more... something she didnt tell them on what happen that day..... she lost it, something snap on her... like her heart just died...

Its for the best.

She was out of the castle and pass by the place where it all went down, the blood had dried up in the grass; crows were still flying around, circling and landing on the ground pecking anything it can get. A crow flew in her direction cawing at her as if it knows that it was her who did it, and in a blink of an eye the crow was split in half by a red whip - lifeless on the ground.

I look up at the sky, it's so blue a perfect day to travel.

It would be prettier if you painted it in red. The voice said.

As i set out of Sinclair Kingdom i walked through the vast land and saw a couple of astray horses, it would be a long walk so i decided to ride one. Their were no trees but just grasses and as got closer to the sea i notice that the ground was going slope where for the first time i notice a forest. The sun was about to set when i arrive, as i enter the forest the horse was a little spook. The air felt dump and the wind a little wet, will it rain? I nudged the horse side to run faster and i arrive at a small village.

This one looks like modern life never reach them.

Villagers were looking at me when i entered their place.

'A vampire.' An old lady said, her voice didn't hold fear just knowing. 

'What is it doing here?'

Vamps and Wolves II (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now