"The book of Homer is highly infectious. I don't understand any of it." Abby exclaimed. Gloria stepped in before I could. It's confusing but its interesting.

"It's a really good book," Gloria exclaimed. "What are you having trouble with?" Abby flustered massaging her temples. Trying to control her anger.

"Right now this fucking computer." She said showing Gloria on the other side of the black table. I let out a grimace. Staring at my pictures on my phone.

Some were worse than others. I deleted them. Then looked on snapchat to see people's stories. I gripped my black sweatshirts hoodie sleeves. Feeling cold as the wind breezes along. I started chuckling looking at Gloria's snap.

She was running in the cold.

Liam must've taken the video. They need to date already. They had been friends for such a long time. Just date get married.

I was so amused in the video till a guy in a hoodie walked by. I tried zooming in the video. What?

"What's wrong?" Gloria asked. I chuckled nervously. Putting my phone down staring at my concerned friend. Shaking my head.

"Forgot about my chemistry homework." I somewhat lied. Which made me realize fuck I do have chemistry work. I sighed looking at the video again.

This mysterious man is really getting me on edge. I sat back examining my texts from yesterday night with Thomas. Narrowing my eyes.

"You know he's gonna take me out today," I said annoyed. Didn't mean to sound annoyed but it just came out. The girls both laughed.

"To where? Chuckie cheese." Abby amused. I rolled my eyes smirking.

"Yes of course. We're gonna dance with Chuckie himself." They were chuckling I rolled my eyes smiling along.

"No no that's not happening. I don't even know Abby." I concluded breathlessly. Gloria shook her head.

"If he wasn't gonna catch a case before. He definitely gonna catch a case now." I laughed shaking my head. I appreciate Thomas in a weird way.

'Well, you are attractive to him' shush self-conscious. Yes, it's his star-like eyes. That's what gets me.

'Or is it his use of money huh?' Yes, totally him getting me wendys was awesome. (LOL)

"How much money do you think I'd get?" I joked. Sounding like a gold digger.

"Charlotte wouldn't stand a chance," Abby stated. I laughed. Charlotte oh god. She needs to just have a sugar daddy already.

"Once upon a time not long ago she was a hoe." Gloria sang. We both were dying.

"Is a hoe." Abby corrected. I nodded. Out of the three of us minus the other two we were missing I was the only person to eat lunch from the cafe.

That saddened me.

"I'm gonna get my lunch," I stated. Going up on the short lunch line getting the slop they provided kinda sucked. Oh well.

The only thing that looked edible was the greasy pizza. Even then it sucked. I got it anyway.

I didn't eat breakfast and my stomach would start grumbling if I waited.

"That food again," Abby said as I approached the table. Gloria then stated.

"I hate that shitty food. They had hair in it I swear someone spit in my food." I grumbled.

"Yeah, I'm eating cancer," I said sadly.

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