Long Wanted Truth

Start from the beginning

When the entire place stopped spinning, you were inside a cave. In front of you was a small bed with a small baby who looked about 3-4 years old. The baby had beautiful hair, the same color as yours and her eyes were the same as yours. You realize that the baby IS you. "Mommy, will I be okay" The baby spoke to your Mom. "Dear, don't worry, I will protect you" Your mom said softly to the baby while stroking the baby's hair. 

"Tira, its time to begin the sealing" A elderly lady said while placing her hand on your moms shoulder. "But she's just a kid, do you think she can control Momoe?" Your mom asked the elder lady hesitantly. "She is your child Tira, she will be as strong as you, she might even surpass you" The elderly lady reassured your mom. Your mom held up a sign and all of a sudden 9 stars appeared in a Nonagon shape. You watched as the baby started to cry due to the pain the baby was taking in. You look to the opposite side of the room and there Momoe was chained up.

Slowly the purple Chakra of Momoe was being transferred to the baby. The elderly lady and your mom had a sad and ashamed look. The baby's crying got louder and louder. after few minutes passed, Momoe was completely sealed inside the baby and the baby was tired. The scene suddenly changed and you were now inside a grand luxurious house. Your mom set the baby on the ground and was about to explain her something when a loud explosion happened. 

All of a sudden the house was on fire, the baby and your mom were trapped inside the burning house. "Well, well, looks like this little girl is Momoe's Jinchuriki, isn't that lovely." A man with the Akatsuki cloak said while pointing at the baby. "Who would've thought they would seal Momoe in such a weak person" Another man said. "should we just finish her" The man asked. "Sure, but don't kill her, we need Momoe" The other man replied. Within a blink of a eye the man attacked the baby with a steel tail which looked like a scorpions tail, But your mom stepped in front of the baby, Saving the baby's life  but taking away her life in the process.

Your mom started to cough out blood. She used that blood to summon a black scythe with black aura around it. She controlled the scythe and attacked the two man using it. She was able to hurt the two man pretty badly, But he two man retreated. Your mom falls onto the ground due to blood loss and Chakra depletion, The baby quickly rushed over to your Mom. "Mommy, please stand up, the men's are coming again, pleased" The baby started to plead and cry. Your mom stroked the baby's hair. "You must live, learn to harness the power within you. You are the pride of our clan. Use the power you have for good. Learn to love others. There will come a time when the world will need you the most, and you must use your power to help them. Don't let people control you, instead take the lead. and remember I will always love you. Fulfill your fathers wish and become a strong Kunoichi, one that the whole world will admire. You may not realize it now, but you have a power far greater that anyone else. I will always be by your side." A forced, painful smile appeared on your mothers face. Blood was coming out of her eyes, mouth and nose.

You watched as the baby cried on your mothers motionless body. "Run (y/n), Go to Konoha, there your fate will unfold. You must live." Was the last words your mother uttered. You watched as the baby ran out of the house. Suddenly the scene changed. The baby was laying on the ground, in front of Konoha's main gate. The baby had bruises and cuts all over her body and was dehydrated as well as had Chakra depletion. The Hokage found the baby and took her in to the hospital. Suddenly the entire place started to spin as the entire place turned black. 

You open your eyes to be back at the waterfall. You didn't know what to say. Your om was sitting next to you silently. "So.... what about dad?" You ask quietly. "He died on a mission" You could sense the pain in your mothers voice. "How do I control Momoe?" You ask your mom confidently. "You cant control it, you have to earn its trust" She explained to you. "Momoe's heart is filled with hatred towards the Shinobi world, Only those who have the purest of heart can gain Momoe's trust. And I'm sure you can as well. You have to understand Momoe's pain" She advised you.

"It was wonderful meeting you dear, but my time here is over, my Chakra that I infused with yours is running out. And remember that I will always love you, no matter what. Protect those who are close to you, And go find and bring back the person you loved" She pulled you into a tight hug. "I wish I could've stayed for longer, I wish I could've seen you grow up. But everything happens for a reason. Don't ever lose hope" Her body started to break down into pieces of glowing dust, She placed a kiss on your forehead and vanished completely. 

You open your eyes again to be back at your campsite. in front of you was a worried Haruko-Sama. "You scared me, I thought you died" exclaimed. "Oh, I met my mother" You tell her softly. "I see, tell me everything that happened" Haruko-Sama sits down next to you. You tell her everything that happened. Haruko-Sama sat there in silence until you finished the story. She gives you a soft smile. "So what are you going to do now?" Haruko-Sama asked you. You lay down on her lap. "I'm going to get stronger and fulfill my parents wish" You tell her softly. "And until then, I will teach you everything I know" Haruko-Sama said cheerfully. "Ya... that will be great" You mumbled slowly. 

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