Chapter 155 - No More Dad

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Nick's P.O.V:
I keep my back pressed against the wall as the doctor takes out the ultra sound machine. I rub my hand down my face and swallow hard before I stand up straight. I quickly clutch onto the chairs arm rest when my feet give out on me and drop down on the chair. I breath in and out heavily as I bury my head in my hands and shake my head. 

I look up at Tessa and watch her as she throws her head back against the pillow and shake her head. She talks to herself quietly in Spanish as she shake her head. I watch her face go bright red as the tears rush down her cheek. Her hands ball up into fist before she leans foward and throws up into the plastic bowl. 

I stand up and move the bowl away and throw it away in the plastic bag before I walk back towards her and sit down on the edge of the bed. I let out a sigh as I pick up a water bottle and hold it out to her. Instead of taking the water bottle, she just stares at her lap blankly. It's almost as if she's not actually there. 

"Tessa." I call her name. "Can you hear me?" I ask. She slowly looks up at me and blinks but doesn't speak. I pull up a chair and sit right infront of her. "You're in shock. So am I but-" I start and get cut off. 

"I was.....18 when...When I had a...Miscarage." She says quietly. Her face scrunches up in pain as she drops back against the pillows. I let out a sigh as I lean back into the chair. "I got into a car crash....Just like I did today." She carries on talking as I stay quiet and listen to her. "The only difference was that I wasn't drunk when I crashed today and...That this thing....This small baby inside me didn't...Die." She shakes her head lightly. "I was alone then and i'm...I'm alone now." She lets out a soft breath.

I lean foward and grab a hold of her hand. I open my mouth to speak but no words come out. She can't keep this baby if its Marshall. We both know that. The contract will kill her before her bump will even start to show.

"You're not alone." I say quietly. "You have Iris and Ryder..." I add. I open my mouth again to let her know she also has me but close it again. 

"I still don't have you, do I?" She whispers as she looks up at me.  

"I'm sorry. I...I can't stay here. I can't get involved with this mess again." I whisper as I squeeze her hand. 

"Okay." She nods. "I lost Karla." She swallows hard. "I lost Chris...I lost you. I lost Marshall and now i'm losing you all over again." She nods as she speaks. "But....It's okay, I guess." She shrugs as she stares off at the far wall.

"You know why I can't stay." I shake my head. 

"Get out." She says quietly and shakes her head. "I can't believe you, Nicklaus." Her eyes flush with tears. "Get out, Nicklaus. Get out!" She starts to cry. 

"Tessa-" I start and get cut off. 

"Get out! Get out!" She screams, making me stand up. I grab my jacket and walk towards the door. I look back at her and stay frozen to my spot as I watch her sob in her hands. 

Tessa's P.O.V:
"It's simple. All you have to do is sign the last contract on April 28th. After that, you're both free to move on with your lives." Leroy says as if it's that simple. "Of course, you're not allowed to move out of Detroit since you have joint custody but...You still need to keep your distance. Think of it like a raistraing order." He adds.

I wipe my tears with the back of my hand before I stand up. I grab the knife from its spot and start to chop the onions infront of me. Leroy goes quiet as I start to prepare the kids dinner for tonight.

6 weeks....I'm 6 weeks pregnant. I only found out last week i'm pregnant. Nick left for New York the same day because he wanted nothing to do with me...Mainly because of the contract and now it's probably because i'm pregnant too. 

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