Chapter 129 - I Want A Normal Life

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Marshall P.O.V:
Nick stumbles foward before he drops down next to me and holds the glass bottle against his chest. I let out a sigh and put out my cigarette as I shake my head.

"She's my daughter." I say and let out a sigh. "I can't let her go. I can't just chuck her into another foster home and walk off. They can't just expect me to do that." I add.

"I know." Nick sighs.

"I want a normal life." I hear Tessa says. "I want a normal life." She repeats.

"We all do." Nick mumbles.

"I want to be free." She says. I glance back at her and watch her pick out a bottle from the paper bag before she stumbles towards the water. "I have never been free. Everything that happens if everyone else's choice. Never mine. I want to make my own decisions. I want to live my own life!" She adds.

"You'll hurt yourself." I say as I watch her step into the water.

"I don't care." She shrugs. I let out a sigh and stand up. Since I'm the only one that's sober....Well more sober then these two, i'm on baby sitting duty.

"Come on, Tess. Get away from the water." I say and watch her walk further in.

"Join me." She says.

"You need to come back." I say loudly so she can hear me over the waves.

"Oh come on!" She yells back. "Have a little fun! Plus you never know if we'll get a chance like this again." She adds.

"Oh what the hell." I mumble and kick of my shoes. Tessa laughs softly as she watches me jog towards her. She jumps onto me, making me wrap my arms around her as I pick her up.

"I feel free with i'm with you." She tells me as I look up at her.

"Yeah." I sigh. "Me too baby." I whisper and watch her smile before she moves foward and kisses me.


"I didn't see you guys come home." Iris says as he walks in to the kitchen. I place my drink down on the counter and turn to face her. "Long night?" She asks.

"Yeah." I say. "Had a lot of work to do at the studio." I lie. We ended up staying at the beach until sunrise.

"How was your night? Did you get your homework done?" I ask and watch her nod.

"Most of it." She says and walks past me.

"Most of it? I thought we agreed on doing it all last night." I say as I turn to face her.

"I know. I'm sorry." She mumbles. "I fell asleep." She adds.

"Huh." I shake my head. "I want it done by tonight." I say and watch her nod. "I'll be in the office if you need me." I say and walk off. Before I can make it out of the kitchen, Ryder walks in and then Tessa.

"Morning." Tessa groans.

"Morning." Iris and I mumble back.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask her.

"I didn't." She sighs. "I had a migraine so I couldn't sleep." She adds and walks past me.

"Mom can we go out to the mall today?" Iris asks, making me turn away.

"Well, i'll be in the studio if anyone needs me."I say and walk away.

I ignore the maids and gaurds before I walk towards my home studio. I have an album to release. I push open the door and close it behind me. I hand Nick a red bull can, making him sigh before he sits up.

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