Chapter 32 - Strangers

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Tessa's P.O.V:
It's been two hours and i'm still at Aftermath records. Not my studio since my friend had to move away. My studio was to far from her so now she works with Aftermath records.

"It was an artists birthday yesterday and they bought cake. I'm going to grab some from the fridge. You want some?" Kristen says.

"No, thanks. Just coffee." I tell her as I play with the buttons on the mixing board.

Once she leaves, I start to play the cover I did for Whitney Houston that I had just record a few minutes ago. It wasn't for the public or anything, I just made it to calm me down after that argument with Leroy.

"I'm back." Kristen sings, I chuckle and take the cup and drink from it. "And I found your hot fiancé!" Kristen smirks, I choke on my drink immediately and cover my mouth.

"What?" I ask through coughs.

"You okay?" Kristen asks as she hands me a tissue to wipe my shirt. Thank god its black and not white.

"Marshall's here?" I ask as I dab at my shirt with the tissue.

"Yeah. Him and Dre use this studio all the time." She shrugs.

Just then, Dr Dre walks in with a bunch of papers in his hand and a phone to his ear. He speaks on the phone and doesn't pay attention to me as Kristen helps him with the papers.

My que to leave.

I grab my phone and keys and stuff it in my bag before I grab the rest of my belongings. I walk into the recording booth to get my lyric book. Just when I come out the booth, Marshall walks in.

"Tessa?" Marshall says in confusion.

"Marshall." I say. "Hey." I smile awkwardly.

So much for keeping a distance.

"What's up, Tessa." Dre says. "I didn't see you there, my bad." He says as we hug.

"It's fine. How have you been and how's Nicole and the kids?" I ask.

We all take a seat on the chairs as Dre talks about his kids and Nicole. The only thing I want to do right now is get the hell out of here but I can't be rude to Dre and just leave. Kristen leaves to give us space.

"How are things with Em?" Dre asks once he's done talking about his family.

"I'm right here man." Marshall says and nudges Dre.

"Things are good. Yeah, uhr, they're great." I fake smile and nod.

"Hm, that's not what Slim told me." Dre says. What exactly did slim tell him.

"What did he tell you?" I ask slowly.

"He's fucking with you." Marshall says as he messes around with the mixing board. A few seconds later music start to play.

I move my chair back in the corner and watch Marshall and Dre work. I was used to watching Dre work but it was weird watching Marshall work since this was my first time.

He looked so cute as he stood up next to Dre. One hand was deep in his pocket and the other one was moving the buttons around. He bops his head lightly to the beat as Dre talks to him.

"...Alright. I'll go get the rest of the papers." Dre says as he stands up from his seat. I watch him as he walks out and closes the door behind him.

My eyes drift of back to Marshall when he quietly starts to freestyle to himself. I watch him as he bops his head for a few seconds and listens closely to the beat.

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