Chapter Seven: Big Trouble

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Tessa's P.O.V:
"...So that's it?" Karla says as I drink my cup of coffee. She was on speaker phone as I read a magazine and sit alone in the kitchen. Nathan went to school and I hadn't seen Marshall since yesterday night.

"Karlz. I don't know what to tell them." I sigh. We were currently talking about the fight yesterday. I got sent a letter from the reporters lawyer saying they want me in court.

"Listen to me, Tess. The judge won't go easy on you. You have to tell them how she was harassing you." Karla pleads.

"Look. It doesn't matter about the money. I'll give her a price which she won't be able to say no to and then-" I explain but Karla cuts me off.

"And then that bitch is going to run away with the money and drag you to court anyway." Karla states.
"Ugh, drop it!" I whine.

"Just go to court like Leroy's telling you too." She suggests.

"As if it's that simple!" I tut. "I don't want to be all over the news again. Espically not for all this stupid violence bullshit." I sigh.

"I know. I'm sorry, do want you want to do.' Karla sighs. "Listen, I just arrived at my mom's. Call you later?" Karla says.

"Okay. Tell Mrs Jackson I said hey." I smile.

"Will do, bye sweetie." Karla says.

"Bye." I smile and hang up. I finish the rest of my coffee and clean the kitchen.

After all the cleaning is done, I walk into the living room and switch on the TV. I get a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and stand up and walk to it. I had waken up to my face being brused and also my arms. I spent hours trying to cover it with make up and after a long time, I finally managed to cover my marks.

I look at the body length mirror and sigh. I just came back from my morning run around Marshall's back yard....well its more like a small village than a back yard since its really big. My black leggings were rolled up to my calf and my sports bra was kinda irratating me. I turn to my side and look at my body. Why the hell am I so big, ugh!

"Is that a force of habbit?" I jump at Blaire's voice and turn to her.

"You scared the living shit out of me." I say and place my hand on my chest.

"Do you always look at yourself in the mirror?" She asks as she walks in with two milkshakes in her hand.

"Only when I look this good." I joke, but Blaire doesn't smile. "I was just bored." I shrug. Whats up with her.

"Here. I brought you a milkshake." She says after a while and holds the milkshake towards me. She eyes me closely when I don't reach out to take it.

"I don't feel like having anything." I shake my head slowly and bite on my lip.

"Oh. Well, I've got Chinese." She says and places a bag of takeaway on the coffe table.

"I'm not hungry." I mumble. Blaire takes a seat next to me and lets out a long breath.

"I've read about you, you know?" She starts, I don't say anything and watch the tv. "Tessa." She sighs.

"What did you read?" I ask and lean my head back on the couch.

"About your eating disorder." Blaire says softly.

Ugh, god no!

"That was a long time ago Blaire-" I start but she cuts me off.

"Tessa, I read about it the other day when Marshall mentioned you coming. You said and your publishers said that it was a long time ago. I had no idea it still going on...Does anyone know that it's still going on?" She asks.

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