13: Luzurus

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Your phone rang as you got to shore. Before you could even say good-bye to Kurapika, he too, had disappeared.


"Come over and drink with me! All my guards failed the hunter exam to come on the Black Whale with us!" Luzurus' voice cried out.

"Guards? People were bringing guards?" You asked, confused. "I feel like I'm so behind on the preparation for the trip."

"Come overrrr!" He sounded already drunk, but you couldn't help but smile. You were definitely coming over now.

Running as best you could in your heels, towards Luzurus' room.

"I'm here! Spill the beans!" You flung yourself onto the bean bag chairs he had around a central fire pit. Servants were buzzing around, making preparations and preparing drinks. "I want a strawberry flavored drink with just a little bit of tequila."

"Give 'er two shots! No, three! I want her to be as drunk as me!" Luzurus blathered.

You shook your head no at the servant, knowing they would only give you what you asked.

"So, Brother Luzurus, what is this about guards and hunter exams?"

"So! So! So!" He sat up to explain. "As you know! As soon as the departure horn is done blaring, the contest begins."

"Right, and I didn't really want to play."

"Right, well everyone else kind of is. Anyway, Brothers are bringing hunters as their guards to help them kill each other. But mine all failed!" He sobbed. "There was a lie detector about their intention of being hunters or something stupid. Now, I'm so defenseless."

"I'll try to protect you Brother Luzurus! You're one of my favorite! And of course your beast will protect you too, isn't that right, Shlarc?"

"Who's Shlarc? Are you playing pretend again? You know, you," He pointed at you, drunkenly. "Are the cutest of all the Princes! But you're not right in the head. Never have been, never will be. But tha's'kay. You're a good little sister!"

"When are we leaving again?" You sipped on your fruity drink as you played with Beast's shadow tendrils.

"August eighth! You gotta know this stuff! What if we leave without you?!"

"I think I'd be plenty happy. Should I get guards?" You asked seriously.

"Nah. No one thinks you're a threat. You're not, are you?" He looked at you suspiciously as he gulped down more rum.

"Not yet, I suppose. But if someone tries to hurt me, then I won't be a good little Prince for very long." You nodded to yourself. "Me or Sister Momoze. That' my very best friend."

"Yeah, you always did like that quiet little mouse a lot. Pro'lly 'cause she puts up with your 'eccentricities' as His Highness insists we call 'em." He sighed. "But what am I going to do? You know BrotherTserriednich is going to kill me like, as soon as possible."

"Well that's what happens when you enter stupid contests with stupid people." You mumbled. "No one likes him anyway, he's so creepy. What an awful Emperor, you know? He'd probably just embalm all the citizens of Kakin..."

"Yeah, stay away from him, little sister. Even if I gotta die for it, I don't want him winning."

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