53.| Irene

317 6 3

September 31th 2019

It's been almost 10 months since we broke up, 10 months since I finally found out who I truly loved me.

The boy who was with, and by my side all along.


He has been by my side since the beginning, he knows all my secrets, my strength and weakness.

I was so blinded by Sehun, that I never saw who was really worth my love. But now I realized it, and now. I'm happier than I have ever been. 

Jaehyung confessed to me 4 months ago. I was in shock and confusion. Confusion because all this time, I've seen him as my best friend. But after I thought about it, and had my time alone to think. I knew that I've loved him too. 

"Irene! We are going to be late for their wedding!" 

Yeah. You heard me. Wedding. Particularly not mine, but a very special friend of ours. 

Naomi and Sehun. 

They are getting married again, and I hope this time for good. They were made for each other, they were destined to be.

And once I heard on the news that the former power couple of Korea was getting married again. I was hurt for a bit. I was hurt that he had already moved on so fast from me. But then I began to wonder. I began to wonder if he had ever moved on from her... and maybe I was the one who held him back from his true love. Course I felt sad, but right after, I felt happy for him. I and maybe one day, I will have that spotlight of my own.


I watched them. I watched him blush for her when she was walking down the aisle in the garden with her traditional Korean wedding dress, I watched him crying at her beauty and how he was blessed to have her as a wife. I knew that Naomi always wanted to have a traditional wedding ceremony, and Sehun made it happen.

After the ceremony was over. I walked over to them and smiled. 

"Congrats!" I cheered. Naomi opened her arms welcoming a hug. I accepted.

"Thank you," She said. I pulled away and then hugged Sehun. 

"I'm happy for you Sehun. Really I am," He patted my back as I pulled away.

"I hope you'll find your true love one day to Irene. I really hope you do. You deserve it," He said, as Naomi nodded along. I blushed a bit, and avoid their eyes.

"You found someone. Didn't you?" Naomi teased. 

"Yeah. She did. Me," 

"Jaehyung?! Really?" Sehun said with a bright smile. I wrapped both my arms around Jaehyung's waist, nodding sheepishly.

"W-Well!! Congrats!!" Sehun said patted Jaehyung's shoulder. 

"I knew you guys had something special," Naomi added. I hid my face in Jae's chest, as I felt him embraced me back.

"Awe, they remind me of when we were all cute and cuddly," I heard Sehun comment. "Exactly like us, and you know what happened after that?"

"What?" Jae asked. I turned back to the both of them. 

"We got married. I know for a fact you guys will be too," Naomi and Sehun said together. Hearing that made my blood rush to my cheeks.

"I think that is something that will happen as well. Or at least I hope it would soon happen," 

I hit Jaehyung's chest playfully, hiding my face away.

I can't believe he just said that. He wants to marry me... 


I was laying in bed, twiddling with my fingers, thinking about what Jaehyung said at the wedding. 

"I think that is something that will happen as well. Or at least I hope it would soon happen," 

"Aigoo... I can't believe it still!" I said to myself, covering my face with my blanket.

"Hey... why are you hiding?" I suddenly heard Jaehyung's voice.

"I'm not," I said back, removing the blanket. Jaehyung climbed into bed, slid his arm underneath my neck, pulling me in closer towards him.

"I'm pretty sure you were. I mean I saw it myself,-" He stopped, kissed my head before continuing again. "What were you thinking about?"

"Emotions. The future, and us," 

"Why us?"

"Well because you said that you hoped that we would get married. I was just... you know in shock. But-"

"But what?"

"I was just wondering why you would want to marry me..."

After I said that, Jaehyung busted out laughing. 

"Psh. You're so funny! Did you seriously ask me that?"

"Well, yeah! I'm just wondering," Jaehyung kissed my forehead, cupping my cheeks after, pulling me in, as he captures my lips in the process.

"I want to marry you because I love you. I want to marry you because I want us to be together forever and have a family. Our own little family. I want to marry you because I want to walk down this road with you until we grow old, with our children, even our grandchildren. Because with you by my side, it would be the great life I will ever have,"







Hello Jennings!!!

AHA!!! Only 1 more chapter left before this book is done!!

Thank you for reading!!



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