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December 1st 2015

December 1st. The month of snow, coldness. I wouldn't say I hate December, but I don't really enjoy this month a lot. Exams pile into this month, people demand expensive gifts. And what? Believe a man will go down your chimney and give you gifts because you were being "good", and he apparently demands milk and cookies?

In my own perspective, it's very creepy how Santa knows when you naughty or nice, and when your sleeping. LIKE WHY?!

Oh! And if you didn't already know.

I'm a person who get's cold very easily. It actually funny once you think of it. But I don't get sick easily as well.. probably because I'm always bundled up in a sweater, or a blanket, to shield myself from the outside.

Me and Sehun were getting ready for school. The two of us slipped on our shoes and headed for the bus stop.

Since it was December the weather has been getting colder. And I was already shivering..

"Naomi. Give me your hand." I looked up at Sehun who wasn't even looking at me.


He didn't answer, but grabbed my left hand and held it.

"Your freezing." He uttered. I blushed at how caring he was.

"Where's your other hand?" I lifted up my right and he took it, and placed it in his hands.


"Mhm. Thank you."

"No need. I'm your husband. I'm mean't to do these things." I felt my stomach flutter a bit.

He so sweet and caring.. It almost makes me guilty that I try to avoid him sometimes.

The two of us stood there at our bus stop, waiting for the bus. Our hands are still intertwined, his hand held gently onto mine, as mine were fitted into his.

No words were spoken, but it wasn't awkward. Well for me at least. It just felt really calming to hold his hand.

"C'mon Naomi. They bus is here." I nodded as the two of us headed on. We both stood there, holding onto the handle instead of sitting. It's slowly became a thing for Sehun too. And it makes me happy that he has adapted to something I've done all my life.

It's sweet.

"Sehun." I uttered quietly.


"Have you ever wanted to sit in the morning on the bus, but stood with me for me?" I felt Sehun rub his thumb against the back on my hand, soothing me.

"Not gonna lie. I never. Since the first day I met you, you taught me that there's always someone that needs it more than you. So I should be thankful for everything I have, and shouldn't take advantage for it."

I was in shock. I never knew Sehun could say something so meaningful. It melted my heart in ways I cannot understand, or explain.

I took a step towards Sehun. We were standing side by side with no gap between us. I then slowly rested my head against his arm.

Once again. We both didn't utter a word but enjoyed each others presence.


The bell for first period rang, and students began to run to there class. Me and Sehun walked to our first class and sat down.

"Sehun-ah, I think someone is watching you." I whispered into his ear. He then looked behind him a bit.

"Yeeeeeyup. Indeed someone is." I saw him sighed.

"Why do you sound so sad about it?" I said as I rested my head against the desk. Pouting slightly. Sehun took a glance at me and tried to avoid my question.

I understood that he needed his own space, so I lifted my head and turned away from him, acting as if nothing happened.

"Forget it. You don't have to tell me."


"Okay class, get you books out, were learning about geography today!"

I lowkey heard Sehun's voice before our teacher came in, but I guess he was too late, or I'm either not mean't to know about it.

Oh well.

After 3 periods of classes, it was finally lunch time. But usually I don't eat lunch.


Because the food at school sucks and is very overpriced. So I tend to bring some snacks from home. Then when school is over, Sehun and I go home and eat a lot! Just to cover over lunch.

"Dude. You haven't told her yet? Why? She's your wife, she has the right to know." I heard a voice behind the bookshelves.

I forgot to mention. I'm currently in the library.

"I know. But.. it's awkward to say it."

I tippy-toed myself a bit to peek between the gaps. I saw Sehun and his friends. Or known as EXO. The 8 of them were all scattered around that corner.

"I noticed her starring at you today.."

"Yeah, and glaring at Naomi." 2 of his friends said. I think one was named Kai..? And the other Channie?

I don't know. I don't stay updated with the boys in our school.

"I'm just scarred-"

Suddenly, me being clumsy. I knocked one of the books over. They 9 of them turned there heads as I quickly ran to another bookshelf.

Which them made me realize.

One of my earrings are missing..






Hello Jennings!!!

How was this chapter??

What do you think Sehun is hiding?

Thank you for reading!!




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