50.| Naomi

326 8 9

June 26th 2019

At last. The day where I have been waiting for. The day where I finally graduate!!

I sat along with my friends and smiled... though it was just a smile, my heart and happiness were unimaginable. There were no words or how happy I was, to top it off, eomma and appa are also here, just waiting for me to go on stage to get my certificate, and for me to say my speech.

But on the downside, my last name starts with a J., and I go to a pretty large and well-known university. So it might take a while before it's my turn.


Oh Sehun

Sehun - Hey baby~ I see my princess right now

I pulled out my phone and raised my brow. Is he here?

I looked around the banquet, but I couldn't find him. 

Are you here? - You

Sehun - Yes I am. Why can't you find me?

No!! I'm serious where are you?? - You

Sehun -  Miss me that much babe?

I rolled my eyes at his reply.

Of course, I miss you... idiot.

"Naomi Jae," I heard my name being called, making me jump from surprise. I quickly put away my phone and walked up on stage. I heard flashes and flickering. 

Ah yes. Those paparazzi's... you never seem to fail to piss off me and my personal life.

I looked up to see eomma and appa yelling at my name. I shook hands with The Dean, got a picture. He handed me the microphone and patted my back.

I took in a deep breath and smiled before beginning my speech.

"I would like to share and thank my mom and dad for raising me, supporting me in everything. This certificate also belongs to them. I would also like to thank another very special person that has been with me through everything... he has been there no matter what. Again, thank you," After I finished, claps and more flicker went off as my friends and most boys were screaming.

I handed back my microphone and headed back to my seat, and then the next person came one. I looked at my phone again and smiled sincerely.

Sehun - Was that special person me? <3

What do you think? - You

Sehun - Mi!! 

Yes, yes. It's you, baby - You

Sehun - I knew it.

And yet, you still asked - You

Sehun - I wanted to hear it from you 

Sehun - I'll see you later <3 I love you

I love you too~ - You


"Naomi~~ My daughter! You're finally done with school. Aha! You can finally take over the company!" Eomma said with glee. He happiness was so magical I even felt it.

"Yes. Of course, I will take over,"

"Oh! Does that mean you're moving back to Korea?" I smiled at appa and nodded. "I'll pack up and move back as soon as I can,"

Eomma and appa decided to go out and celebrate... again for me earning my bachelors degree, but while eating, eomma suddenly brought up something... something I had forgotten to mention.

"Naomi. When you were saying your speech, who was this special boy you were talking about?" I choked on my food a bit since I did not tell my parents that I was seeing Sehun again... I don't believe they would be too happy to know about it.

"Aha... it was just a friend," I reasoned, but they seem to not believe me.

"Really? I don't believe you, sweetheart," I bit my lip as eomma said so. "Please tell us, we want to meet him!" 

"F-Fine... he's someone you already know, and it's-" I stopped halfway. I can't tell them... they would lose it.

"Go on Naomi," Appa said. 

I licked the bottom of my lip, closing my eyes as I answered them.

"It's Sehun," I blurted out. I opened my eyes to see eomma and appa's jaws hanging.

"Jae Naomi... your not serious are you?"

"Eomma, please accept it. I love him..." I whispered. "No. I won't ever accept it,"

"Eomma!! The reason why you hate him is because he made out with another girl... but I learned to accept him again. I forgave him... you want your daughter happy right? Well, she is-"

"No!" Appa raised his voice. I shut my mouth as I saw people around us look directly at him.

"Appa please calm down. Were in public... this is Canada, they don't know that you're the biggest CEO... don't make a scene," 

Appa sat down in anger. "How long have you been seeing him again?" He asked sternly.

"The last 7 months..." 

"Naomi... how dare you go behind our backs!" Eomma yelled. "Eomma, I love him... you and appa were the ones who put me in an arrange marriage with him... you were asking for this, what happened?"

"He has broken the trust between us, that is why I don't want my baby to be with a man like him," Appa said. I shook my head in despair. 

"Maybe I'm the person you don't trust..." I got up and left the table with eomma and appa yelling, calling for my name. But I didn't look back.

I pulled out my phone and called Sehun.



"S-Sehun... where are you?"

"I'm near that restaurant we went the first time out," He replied. I remembered that place, I knew that I was near that place. I looked around and saw him.

I never knew that seeing him made me so happy and safe.

"Sehun..." his name escaped my lips. He looked my way and ran at me with open arms. I crashed into his body and immediately began to cry.

"What's wrong... tell me Mi," He asked kissing the top of my head and embracing me in tightly.

"E-Eomma and appa know... they know about us. There not accepting us... and I can't- I don't want to see them right now,"

"I know baby... Let's just go home," 

"Promise me to never, ever leave me,"

Sehun looked back at me and nodded.

"I would never leave the love of my life,"






Hello Jennings!!

Aweee what will happen now??

Let's hope for the best!!

Thank you for reading!!



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