
437 9 0

June 28th 2016

I woke up around 10 in morning, feeling cold. I tossed and turned a bit and cuddled in closer to Sehun for warmth, when suddenly, a memory flashed in my mind.

My eyes widen as I remembered everything. "L-Last night..." 

Lifting up the blanket, only to see that I'm completely naked... and Sehun too......

Slowly I grabbed a shirt that was the close to me, and it just so happens to Sehun's. Huh, I hope he won't mind.

I slipped on his dress shirt he wore last night and grabbed my underwear that happened to also be near by.

I quickly ran into the bathroom to brushed my teeth and hair. I stared at myself in the mirror and smiled to myself.

I look good in his shirt.

I thought and blushed at the same time. He was my first. Kinda think of it. He was my first for everything. 

He stole my first kiss, he's also my first crush and love, now he stole my 'V'.. 

I chuckled to myself thinking about it. I headed out of the bathroom with my hair tied in a ponytail.


I jumped in surprise from Sehun, because he's already up and is standing in front of me with only his boxer's on.

"Good morning to you too." He said and brushed his lips against my cheek. 

"Say.. is that my-shirt your wearing?" He asked in a seductive way. I blushed, looking away and nodded.

"It looks good on you." He replied then headed into the bathroom. I quickly changed into something else, then headed downstairs to make some breakfast.

"Mi-ah, where are you?" Sehun called. 

"I'm down here." I answered back, and within seconds he ran downstairs and into the kitchen.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.. just like any couple would.

"Hmm. Your not wearing my shirt anymore." He whined a bit, I signed hard and looked away from him.

"S-Sehun-ah." I said stuttering a bit. "Thank you for last night, but please.. it didn't mean anything." I said with tears clouding up my vision.

I felt his arms leave my body but his gaze at me was like a laser.

"Oh.. Y-Yeah. Don't worry about it." He quickly said and went upstairs, leaving me here in the kitchen. I inhaled sharply, holding in my tears.

I lowered my gaze and looked down to my phone with the text message I got before Sehun came down.


-Stay away from Sehun if your want him safe.-


Being called 'The Nation's Daughter' is probably a dream come true and also a nightmare. A dream come true because your known for something, your a star, an idol, a role model that everyone looks up to. 

But at the same time it's also a nightmare, people are after you, they want what ever you have, they try to hurt you and the people around you, they threaten you with everything you got for the people your love... it's.. absolutely a nightmare.

"I'm going out." I heard Sehun say. I was gonna call him back when the door made a loud slam.

My heart ache thinking about him, and how I treated him just now. 

𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐧𝐝 | 𝐨.𝐬𝐡 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now