
457 16 0

October 2nd 2015

I slowly woke up this morning with the sun shining right into the room. I quickly pulled the blankets over my head to avoid the light.

When I did. I felt something move under the covers. I pulled down the blankets to see Sehun all curled up into a ball.

Not gonna lie, I was very close to screaming, but I held in it. 

'It's okay Naomi, this will soon be normal.' I said in my head, trying to calm myself.

I slowly removed the blanket off my body, and got out of bed. I headed downstairs looked around.

"Right... we just moved in, so there's basically no food. Crap." I signed as I kicked the refrigerator door close.

"Alright, lets go grocery shopping." I tried to cheer myself up. But I was practically dying on the inside, because there is no food at home.

Not even a pack of ramen...

I was in our room, picking our my outfit, when I heard Sehun groan.

"Awe. Hmm.." I then looked at him, seeing him slowly sit up. He actually looked unbelievably.... sexy. 

Did I just think that?

Nope! Erase. Erase.

"G-Good morning Sehun." He rubbed his eyes and said good morning back to me.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I need to go grocery shopping." Sehun them jumped from the bed to the washroom. Which made me realize.

"No! SEHUN! I'M USING THE BATHROOM FIRST!" The two of us were in between the door frame.

"Naomi!! Let me use it first!! I'm a guy!"

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?!"

"I use the bathroom faster!!!"

"NO! I woke up earlier than you did! I deserve to go first!" And the fight continues....

"FINE! You go shower! I go brush my teeth! Then we switch after!!" I said, still getting pushed against the door frame.

"Deal." Sehun finally loosens up and the two of us walked in.

He was slowly undressing himself when he yelled.

"WAIT! NAOMI GET OUT FIRST." I signed. As I dropped my toothbrush and walked out of our bathroom.

"Okay! You can come in now!" He yelled again. I signed as I walked in again and quickly brushed my teeth.

Once we were both done, Sehun came out with a towel wrapped around his waist. 

"Okay, your turn." I slowly nodded, still looking at his torso, holy shit he is like a 5 star meal...

"Wifey.. I know I'm sexy and all. But please stop staring at me, it makes uncomfortable." I heard him say. 

I quickly looked away and scoffed. 

"Can you get out this time, I need to change as well." I said calmly, he quickly got out as I felt my heart beating fast than the speed of light.

"I need to keep a distance from him." I said to myself and headed into the shower.

"You can come in now!!" I yelled. I heard the door open and the sink running. 

After we were both done, Mr. Lee drove the two of us to the grocery store.

"Okay, so don't get too much candy, but do get candy." Sehun said to me. I raised my brow at him. 

"OooKay...." I said, then quickly caught up with Sehun who was already pushing the cart and ahead of me.

"Hey, would you want some ice cream?" I nodded happliy. Sehun then grabbed the mint flavour one, which made me stop him.

"S-Stop! I can't have mint!" He raised his brow at me, then looked at the ice cream.


"I'm allergic to mint. Artificial or not." 

"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't know." He apologized and grabbed a different flavour.

"Don't sweat about it. I still have a lot to learn about you too." I sang, walking to the meat section.

I grabbed some chicken, and beef. Sehun then grabbed some vegetables.

"Okay! What kind of drinks do you like?" I asked. He tapped his finger against his chin.

"Bubble tea!" I turned around and laughed at him.

"ANI! I mean like juice, pepsi or coke. But I guess bubble tea count as a beverage." 

"Well, if you mean't like a type of juice, I prefer apple, or orange." 

"SAME!" I raised my hand in the air, waiting for Sehun to high-five it. 

He did.

"Oh look! Candy!!!!!" Sehun smiled as he ran at all the candy. I signed and pushed the towards him.

"Hey wifey!! Can we get this one and this one and this-"

"Stop right there! You were the one saying that we shouldn't get lots of it." Sehun didn't answer, but slowly grabbed 4 bags to gummys, slowly placed them in the cart, then smiled at me.

"Aish. Fine, we can get them, now lets go finish shopping and go home."

We then finished up grocery shopping and headed home.

It was a tiring day with him, but I enjoyed it. We both learned a lot about each other. Things that I didn't think a rich boy like him would do, or think of.

Today was a day I actually felt like a normal citizen. 






Hello Jennings!!!

How was this chapter?

Thank you for reading!!!



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