
496 18 0

September 31 2015

Today is the day.

And here we are. Waiting for people to see how much of a lie I am.

I looked at myself in the mirror and signed. 'Naomi, this is not your fault, you didn't have a choice.' I thought in my head.

"Naomi it's time." I nodded as eomma handed me a bouquet of roses.

Did I mention this isn't a traditional Korean wedding. But a really modern one, where you either do it home or at church. Well we're at a church, but you know what's funny. I'm not Christian. I'm Buddhist. But! Sehun's family is Christian.

So I guess we have to agree with them. Which I don't mind. It's just I always wanted a traditional wedding.

But still. Here we are.

I took my fathers hand and he smiled at me.

"Thank you Naomi. Our family is very blessed and thankful to have you in our lives."

I smiled back at appa.

"Let's go?" He asked. I took a deep breath and nodded. The doors opened and everyone stood up from there seats, and flashes from the paparazzi. Yes. Our family insisted in having the paparazzi at our wedding.

They said something about "We need to get the great news out!" and "You two are the ultimate power couple of Korea" and blah blah blah.

Honestly, me and Sehun just sat there, rolled our eyes, and listened to our parents. Aren't we just perfect children's?

ANYWHO! We began to walk towards the front, which is where I saw Sehun standing in his suit. 

He looked very manly and handsome. If only he's marrying the one he love.

Before I knew it. We were already at the very front of the church, next to Sehun. 

Appa took my hand and gave it to Sehun. He looked at me and gave him a loving smile. 

And so the wedding begins.

Mostly the priest talked, then we had to do our vows. Funny thing is, he had to make up the whole thing. It was kinda funny how we made it look so real.

"I, Oh Sehun take Jae Naomi to be my wife. I promise to always love her, cherish her, and make her feel special. Naomi thank you for coming into my life, you have made my life for bright and beautiful. Even though we met each other in a very short amount of time, I felt like I've met you for the longest time. I know you love mornings, but dislike nights, but you always hate waking up early. But I hope you would love them now that I'm with you. I love you."

After he finished those words, butterflies were fluttering in my stomach, slowly making it's way to my heart. I didn't even know that I love mornings, but hate waking up early..

I was about to say my vows, but I choked on my words. I wanted to speak, but I was having trouble. 

Then, Sehun slowly rubbed his thumb against the back of my mine. I looked into his eyes, they were so mesmerizing, and lovely.. Without even knowing, I opened my mouth and said my vows.

"Sehun, thank you for loving me in my worst moment, and being with me in the happiest. Though we have only met in a short amount of time, you have made me feel loved and happy in all of it. I want to spend more nights, mornings, every moment with you. Because with you, you make the world better, you make my life better. I love you."

Our family and friends clapped as the priest continued talking. And finally the wedding rings.

"Do you take Jae Naomi to be wife, will you love her with all your heart, will you be with her in the worst of the worst, and the best of the best, will you be there to cherish her forever?"

Sehun slowly turned his head from the priest to mine, he smiled and nodded.

"I do."

"Do you take Oh Sehun to be your husband, will you love him with all your heart, will you be with him in the worst of the worst, and the best of the best, will you be there to cherish him forever?" 

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I do." 

"I may pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride now." Sehun then lifted up my vale and mouthed, 'Are you okay with it?'.

I nodded slightly, with uneasy feeling, but he bend't down, slowly moving closer, until our lips touched.

We both heard clapping, more shutters going off, and camera flashes.. Sehun then slowly pulled away and looked at me, then let out a faint chuckle.

"Yah, your blushing? Or is that makeup?" He whispered. I snapped out my thoughts and looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Yah.. don't make me more red than I'm already am." I whined. Sehun smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Well. I guess this means your officially an 'Oh' now. Welcome to the family!" He said. I chuckled and also wrapped an arm around him.

"Thank you." 

Then two of us then walked down the aisle together with flower petals falling. I'm not gonna lie. This was a special day for me.

"Hey wifey." I gave a weird look to Sehun.

"What did you call me?" He then wrapped an arm around my shoulders, then repeated what he said.

"I called you wifey." I raised my brow at him.


"Because were married now." I scoffed in a nice way.

"Fair enough. Then I shall call you hubby." He nodded in agreement.

But then something at the back of my head told me.

'Don't you think you taking this marriage way to serious?'

Maybe it's right. What if were taking this marriage to serious, I mean, it is an arranged marriage.. our parents decided it for us. 

But does that mean I like this marriage?






Hello Jennings!!

How was this chapter??

So i'll give you a slight, sneak peek of tomorrow's update!

Naomi and Sehun will be moving in together!!! and that's all I can say.

Thank you for reading!!




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