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February 8th 2016

I woke up around 5:30am today. Sehun was still asleep. Thank god.

Wrote him a note, making sure he somewhat knows where I am. I went downstairs and made him his breakfast.

Then I left the house.

You may be wondering where am I going at 6 in the morning. Well. I need to go save my father...

Yes. We are the most one of the most richest company in Korea, everyone knows us. Even the gangs in Korea... and one of them has my father.

So yesterday, when Sehun went to go eat with Irene for lunch, I had to go negotiate with them and begged my father-in-law to help my father. 

They demanded $5,000,000. US dollars to be exact. So I was quite stressed out that whole day. While Sehun kept pestering me with questions.

So I had to make up one. Your probably wondering why didn't I just tell him about it. 

Well.. I don't wanna worry Sehun. Yes I care about him, I care to much about him. That is why I don't him to worry about my problems.

The sky was still dark, but you could see the sun was rising from the horizon. When I got there, one of the men glared at me and asked.

"Jae Naomi?"

I nodded with fear running down my spine.

"You have the money?"

I nodded again. He then opened the door for me and I walked in. Only to see my father tied up in a steel chair, and blood dripping from his lips.

"Appa." I whispered out and ran to him.

"Naomi. Good to see you so early. You have the money right?" A deep voice man said. I'm guessing he's the boss of this gang..

"Yes. But first I want you to un-tie and let my father go first." I demanded.

But he shook his head.

"No. You give us the money first." 

I gave them a smirk.

"Look. I'm the one with the money here. So if you want it. Un-tie my father, and I want him in my car. Then they money is all yours." 

He clicked his tongue and motioned his men to un-tie my father and walked him into my car.

"There. He's safely in your car. Happy?"

"Here." I handed him the bag of money and he smiled, with a hint of evil in his eyes.

"Now. Wasn't that so hard princesse Naomi?" He counted the money and I slowly left.

"Yah.." I said in a low tone.

"I don't want to see you near my family anymore. Including my in-laws." I warned them. The boss of the gang raised his hands in the air and smiled.

"You won't be hearing from us ever again. You have my word."

I nodded. Believing that I will never have to do this again in my life. I walked to my car to see appa in the car already.

I got into the drivers seat and signed.

"Appa..." I sniffed as I touched his hand.

"Are you okay?" He smiled weakly and nodded.

"Drive home. I don't wanna be here anymore Naomi.." I nodded and began to drive away. I continued to cry. It was hard to see appa like this. 

I wiped the tears away with the back of my hand and took multiple deep breaths.

"Appa, were home. Here I'll help inside." I was about to unbuckle my seatbelt, but appa stopped me.

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