
364 12 2

January 1st 2016







It was finally 2016, and we were all at the company celebrating.

Eomma, appa, and my in-laws were here celebrating as well.

"Happy new years everyone! Thank you for another amazing successful year!" My father-in-law said. Everyone listened to his speech as me and Sehun were standing next to him, along with the rest of the family.

"I would like to honour this year the most because my son, found and married a beautiful women. I'm very proud Sehun, Naomi. I wish 2016 will be more successful than 2015!" As my father-in-law finished his speech, we all raised our glasses and cheered.

And so the party went on and the music got louder and people started to drink harder. Even my Father and father-in-law. Aigoo.

While I was sipping on the champaign, Sehun tapped my shoulder. 


"Naomi, come. I want you to meet my closes friends." I suddenly felt excited. He held out his hand, and I gladly took it. He guided me to his friends through the crowed of people.

Once we made it. I saw 8 guys standing in a straight line with martini glasses in there hands.

"Guys. Meet my wife, Naomi. Naomi these are my best friends." I smiled and and bowed politely. "It's a pleasure to meet Sehun's closes friends."

"Well it's an honour to meet our maknae's wife. I'm Suho."

"I'm Yixing, but call me Lay."

"I'm Chanyeol."

"I'm Kai."



"I'm Chen."

"And I'm Kyungsoo. But I prefer D.O."

They all introduced.

"Do you mind if I ask you some questions?"

They all nodded while Sehun's face turned into a frown or glare.

"Well first off. 1. May I get all your phone numbers, and 2. Is Sehun always this good looking?"

"Well one. Yes. 2. NO! Have you seen him when he was a kid?! Aigoo." I was gawking in smiles.

"NO. WAY. You have to show me Suho-ssi!" 

"Call us oppa. Your married to Sehun, your technically part of the family. That makes you our little sister." 

"Ok. Oh! Here's my phone number by the way. Send! Me those photos of Sehun!! Please and thank you!!"

"Naomi!!! WAEE!!" Sehun whined. I signed and kissed his cheek.

"I don't you think I have the rights to see your photos? I am your wife after all."

Sehun frowned at me, while I saw a hint of blush on his cheeks.

"Fine.. but I need to meet your friends! And I will ask them the same!" I raised both my hands in the air and nodded.

"Fair enough." 


It was very late when me and Sehun got home. So once we did. We both just headed upstairs, and straight to bed. 

When laying in bed and was about to snooze off, I heard a sound. But since I was so tired I couldn't hear or think what it was. So I shrugged it off.

Until.. I smelt something.

Which then draw me to the fact that Sehun has just passed gas. Or in other words. Farted.

Which then got me realizing. We don't fart around each other, though we have been married for 5 months.

"Aish.. Sehun.. What the hell did you eat?" I murmured out. But then quickly snoozed off.

Once I heard my alarm go off, I opened my eyes and went on my phone.


"Thank god today is the weekend, and there's no work." I said to myself. 

Scrolling through Instagram and Facebook, everyone seems to be going crazy for 2016. Saying it's the year that Trump is gonna become president.

"Aish. Why is this relevant in Korea?" 

"Naomi.. it's too early for you to be complaining." Sehun whined.. again.

"You should be asleep."

"I was. Until you complained." Sehun said back with sass. I rolled my eyes and got ready for a come back at him.

"Jeez. Who knew you could be so sassy in the morning."

 "Yah! I'm not sassy! I am manly and handsome." Sehun yelled. 

"Says the person who passed gas in his sleep."

"Y-Yah!! Everyone does it!" I giggled and hugged him, dropping my phone.

"Ne~ Hun-ah you get annoyed to easily." 

"No." I let him go and got out of bed, into the bathroom. 

"Wait!! Naomi!" But it was too late. I had already closed the door and locked it.

"Oops. Your slightly late honey~" I teased.

"Naomi! Open the door!!" Sehun yelled while banging on the door. 

"Nope. I'm taking a shower!"

"SO!? It's not like I haven't seen you shower before!" I then gasped at his comment.

My cheeks changed from white to a rosie red.

Then banging on the door had stop while I was still in shock Sehun had said that.

"S-Sehun! How could you say something like that so freely?!" 






Hello Jennings!!!

How was this chapter?

Sehun and Naomi are sooo cute!!!!


And yes. I have decided that I will be doing OT9 from now on. And I decided that because Tao, Luhan, and Kris have left the group for a long time now, and they are no longer apart of EXO.. It does hurt to think about it, but it is true.

So if I do decided to make a fanfic about them, they will be separate.

Thank you for reading!!



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