All these new was shocking me. If he's going back to his old ways, then why have this gone- I'm mean- I'm glad it's gone. No one should be kidnapped, but look at me. Look where being kidnap gotten me.

He walked with me to the kitchen and told someone to make me something. "Do you know where he's at?" I asked as I sat on the stool.

He leaned against the counter and pulled out a cigarette and lit it up and took a long drag. "Fûck, he went to kill someone with Edward. The next time would be me going." He said as he exhaled and all the smoke coming out of his mouth and some from his nostrils.

A plate was set out in front of me and it was nicely made sandwich. Like it looked really good. Have I been eating?

I quickly grabbed it and took a bite out of it. But he continued, "honesty-" he took another drag and exhaled, "I don't know how I feel about Vincenzo going back." He looked at me as I took another bite.

"I thought you're used to him like this?" I said as I was still chewing.

"Sure," He looked at me as he took another drag, "maybe I was, but after months of him changing-it's kinda weird having him back." He said as he smiled as smoke came out of his mouth as he spoke.

I looked back at the plate as I placed the sandwich down, and suddenly I lost my appetite. I took a deep breath in, "What was his worst?" I asked softy as I slowly looked at Ricardo.

He looked down at his shoes as he set the cigarette in between his teeth, "pulling a beating heart out of a chest."

Hearing that...that...I didn't know how to react-like I wasn't surprised. Why? Why wasn't I scared?! Why didn't I wanted to react the way I wanted!?

I knew what he was before-but why can't I see him as that kind of person in my eyes. How can I just imagine him doing that, but my reaction was plan. How can I see his face viscous and sinister like, but can't seem to be phased by him.

So all I said was "oh." He looked up at me with an a raised eyebrow, "oh?" He repeated me.

I looked back at the sand which and nodded. I can hear the smile in his voice, "do you understand what I said Ever?"


"Then why oh?"

I was silent for a bit and he laughed, "what did he tell you- he's all sweet and shît? Because I can tell you one thing babe-he's not if he's going back to his old ways." I looked back towards him and he had his cigarette in his hand, but he placed it back in between his teeth.

"Look-" he lifted his shirt all the way to his neck, "he almost killed me when he was like his old self. He placed a knife in my chest-so deep, that I almost died there. He wanted me to be his first victim to have his heart pulled out." I now only noticed the middle size scar on top of his chest. It was pinkish but it was a faded color.

His shirt fell from his hand and slowly the scar was out of site, "just a heads up doll-don't say 'oh' if you never seen him in action. Once you do see him in action tell me what you say." Just as he finishes I hear shoes click against he floor. I look over my shoulder and I see Vincenzo smiling at me as I see his white shirt with red spots over him.

He came up to me and grabbed my chin and placed his lips on mine. He pulled away with happiness and a crazy look in his eyes. "Miss me?" He said lowly.

Seeing him so close I saw the blood marks over his face, and I know it's not his own blood.

Am I really ready for his old ways?


Like they say, opposites attract


Book IG: friesbeforeguy101

Anyway see you guys soon!!

Anyway see you guys soon!!SS

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