Chapter 51

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I walk into the bathroom. Feeling that urge in my chest. That release is what I need. I slam the door behind me.
I pace around the bathroom. That's all I fucking hear, is I'm sorry. It's its, it's not Amber. It's not. But I need to forget it all. I need to get out this anger. I need a release. It all builds up like a wall. A wall that is squeezing your heart, and only this will break down that wall.

"Shit." I mutter under my breath. I think I'm having an anxiety attack. I place my hands on the sink and breath fiercely. Looking up at the mirror. I stare myself down for a long time.

"Dammit!" I yell. Punching the mirror. You're weak Zayn. You're being weak, and pathetic.

Blood rushes out of the wound from my hand and down my arm, almost touching my clothes. Stepping back, I glare at the broken mirror.

Just like me. Broken.



I hear a metal clink towards the bathroom. Oh well it's probably nothing. Zayns probably just throwing stuff.

'Save it.'

Repeats in my head. He's pissed at me again, just perfect. I tried saying I'm sorry. I tried, but, I guess he didn't get it. His moods change a lot. Perhaps way to much. Yeah, just a bit.

The pictures of his scars raid my mind. I pull up my arm and look at my faded ones. It's been so long. Since I've felt that razor against my arm. Relieving the pain.

No! Stop it Amber, you're triggering yourself. You're doing this to yourself. Pull your shit together. You're stronger than this! I breath out and rub my temples.

Well, now that Zayns gone, I should probably dressed. The other lads are most likely already working out with out us.

Picking my self off the bed, I make my way to the bathroom. I put my hand on the handle.

Did Liam put the clothes in the rest room? Yeah, yeah he did okay.

Just I was about to push, a voice echoes.

"That was quick." Louis snaps, scrolling on his phone while chugging a drink out of a mug.

"We didn't do anything." I whisper so no one would hear.

"Mhm." He grunts, falling into a doorway and disappearing.

Whatever. He wants to think I'm like that- which I almost was -then so be it. I don't mind.

Finally pushing myself into the bathroom, I come face to face with Zayn.

Blood everywhere.

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