Chapter 40

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*Class bell rings*


Class dismissed.



Niall leans in, cheek brushing past mine as he breaths into my ear with a deep heavy breath.

"You see love, I was going to kiss you, but your boy Zayn was staring." He brings a hand up from behind my head, pulling me closer to him. "But I don't mind."

Niall pulls back, only enough to stare at me for a split second. I can sense a hint of fear but aggression at the same time. He leans in, planting soft lips onto mine. His lips are so warm and plump. My eyes flutter closed, unable to hold them open due to the heavenly feeling.

Niall pulls back, but brings his lips to my ear, tickling me with his breath. His flushed cheeks feel hot against mine as he pulls my hair slightly, making my head lean back.

"Until tonight." He bites my earlobe and I let out a quiet moan. Nobody could hear it due to the radio being loud, and I'm glad the couldn't. Because that was a sound I'd never thought to make.

He pulls back and leans back into his seat, turning to look out to window as if nothing ever even happened. I watch him as he drums his fingers on his thigh to the beat of to music. He stops suddenly, turning to me with dark eyes.

I automatically turn my head away and look into the mirror of Zayns side of the car, he's also staring at me with dark eyes. Almost black. His jaw clenches and he's gripping the door handle as if he is about to jump out. Pissed all ready? That was quick. I know why he's pissed, he saw Niall and me. Though I can't help but wonder if Niall did that on purpose to him.

"Here." Liam says pulling into his drive way. On and instant, Zayn opens the car door, making fly open. He steps out and shuts the door, making the heavy car shake. I hop out after him, opening the door he shut on us. Niall hops out also and we shut the car door gently.

Looking at the door, there are finger indentions on the side. Zayn literally gripped the car door and dented it, deep. I turn to look at Zayn. He stomps through the yard until he gets to the door. With one blast he kicks open the door, making a mettle lock fall out of the door onto the ground. He flings the door open, causing it to stay.

"Damn it Zayn." Liam huffs and walks in after him. Niall follows Liam into the house, walking by his side, shoulder to shoulder.

I stay behind, I can't believe Zayn had to adrenaline, the strength, the power to bend a car door, and break and inch lock. I touch the car door where his indentions were. I place my fingers over his. Me being tiny, his hands are much bigger. I should just shake off the thought.

"Until tonight." Nialls voice replays in my head. I'm not going to play stupid and wonder what it means, because I have a few ideas of what it could mean. I can't just assume anything out of the blue though. He could mean anything.

I walk into the house and place my hand on the door knob. I look around the corner of the door. Of course the other handle is stuck in the wall! Just then Louis pulls up into the drive way. He hops out with Harry and the walk past Zayns car slowly.

"What happened here?" Louis touched the indentions while Harry stares me down.

"I-I don't know." I lie. I know I pissed of Zayn- or, maybe it was Niall who made him mad. Either way, Zayn was angry. And it was one of our faults.

"Zayn?" Louis asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"It had to have been pretty intense for him to be this angry." Louis brushes past me. Harry does the same, but hits my shoulder. His hands stay behind his back and he turns his face slightly, showing a smirk. Harry turns back around and looks at the lock on the floor and the door in the wall.

"Also Zayn?" He says with a smile, flashing his dimples and green eyes.

"Yeah." I say breathlessly.

Harry chuckles and pulls me next to him, gripping my waist. Pulling me back he ripped the door out of the wall, and sets it in the door frame. I never even noticed how masculine he was. I can't help but stare at him as he looks down, one arm around my waist. He has no reason to touch me like this, but I'm not complaining.

"Where's you gym clothes, love." He breaks away and steps back, staring at what I'm wearing. "Boxers and a shirt?" He furrows his eye brows and leans forward with a smirk.

"We never stopped by the store." I gasp. "And what's wrong with this?" I shove his shoulder and he stumbles back with a smile.

"Nothing you look, great." He steps forward, pushing my shoulder with a finger.

"Not bad yourself, Harold." I shove him back again but he only brings him self closer to me, biting his lip.

"Shouldn't have done that, babe." He grabs my waist and flings me over his shoulders. I pound on his back as he carries me into a hall way.

"Let, me, go!" I pound on his back with laughter.

"The the more you hit the slower ill walk!" He chuckles and I give up. Slouching over his shoulder.

He opens a door to a room and throws me onto the bed. "Let me get Liam." He winks and steps out of the room.

Taken - Z.Mحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن