Chapter 2

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I watched her walk out of the house. Stumbling, in those heels. How the hell do girls even walk in them? She constantly pulls down her dress. Which annoyed me. Parties are a night to skank it up and have fun. Clearly this girl doesn't know how to party. She takes out her phone, and checks the time, squinting her eyes because the phones brightness nearly blinded her. She starts to walk again, stumbling some more, so I quickly move from the side of the house, to behind the tree. I start to make my way to the tree.


"Shit!" I say. I covered my mouth after the word slipped out. Damn branch. Scared the bloody hell out of me.

Looking back up to the girl, I notice she is staring to walk faster. Had she heard me? She couldn't have!
I walk out from behind the tree. She looks worried. She heard.
I start to speed walk behind her. Barley scraping my shoes against the pavement. Before she can look back, I pull my hood up. So it begins.
She takes off sprinting, and I sprint after her. She's tipsy, so the chase shouldn't be too bad. She winces and starts to whimper. I start to notice dark red appearing with every step she takes. She's bleeding, but I can't help her just yet. Barley staying behind her. I tease her. I could easily catch her right now if I wanted to, but I like to have a little fun with my prey.
I chase her into a dark ally. Panting, so I can try to trick her into thinking it was tired. But, the chase had just started. She takes a sharp right into another ally. Perfect. Just where I need her. Suddenly, she takes a left.
Confused and pondering, I stop for a split second, trying to find her in the dark.
I hear another slight whimper. I strain my head to the left and jog around the corner. Perfect. There's no way out. I've lead her into an alleyway with only one exit. And I'm standing at the end of it. I give a slight laugh. Just to send chills through her spine. Now it's my favorite part.
I walk to her, scraping my feet against the pavement. Making her tense with every step. Yet she still stays turned. Scared to look, she is?
Wouldn't doubt it.

"Look at me." I say, with a calming voice.
She stays turned, ignoring me. And letting her hair cover her face.
Playing hard to get yeah? I can play that too.

"LOOK AT ME!" I say, leaping towards her, making her drop her shoes and whimper. She slowly turns around, wiping her tears, revealing her face.

Her face. Full of fear. She is so scared, her eyes filled with tears, ready to pour out.
What have I done to this innocent girl? No. Stop it Zayn. Stop being a little bitch. This is my job, and it's going to stay my job. I look down and clench my jaw. Chuckling, I walk towards her. Peering through her mind, I grab her shoulders and shove her against the wall. Not too hard, but enough to frighten her. Finally her tears fill up her water line and start streaming.

"Oh there there. Don't start crying? I'm not going to hurt you?" I say, wiping her tears away with my thumb, still holding back her shoulder with my other arm. I give an innocent look. Then start to nudge my head into her neck. She's just so stiff. Maybe I can... Loosen her?



"Oh there there. Don't start crying? I'm not going to hurt you?" The man says, wiping my tears with his thumb. How dare he lay a finger on me. I was about to raise my hand to slap him, but then he looked at me with that innocent look again. And wrapped his arms around my waist, pushing himself closer to me than before. He puts his lips on my neck, sending chills throughout my body. Why am I letting him do this?! But then again I can't really stop him. And the last thing I want to do is piss him off.
Placing wet kisses down my neck, he mumbles, "Loosen up, you're so tense love."
"Well If I wasn't getting KIDNAPPED." I scream, hoping for someone to hear..
He looks at me and forces his hand over my mouth, and my two wrist in his other hand.
"Oh love, you shouldn't have done that." He said smirking.
He starts to suck on my neck, nibbling at my goose bumps. The pain has never felt so good. I rest my head back on the walls, closing my eyes.

"You like that yeah?" He said through mumbles of kissing my neck.

I shoot my head up.

"NO! Let me go!? What did I do to you! What do you want!" I burst out in rage.

He looks at me for a good 30 seconds before saying any thing. Then clenches his jaw.

"Well!?" I say, reminding him of the question.

"Come with me." He says turning to walk, still having ahold of my wrist.

I don't bother to argue, because who knows what this, guy is capable of. I've learned to always stay calm during moments like this.

"And I swear to god if you make one sound I will beat the shit-" He stops in mid sentence, looks down, and clenches his jaw again. He's obviously thinking hard. Then continues to walk.

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