Chapter 12

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I set everything down on the bed, quietly not making a noise. And I walk over to the light switch, flicking it on. My jaw drops as I notice the whole room was spray painted. I start to run my fingers along the walls. These were not just any drawings. But drawings you know had a meaning behind it. And I was ready to hear every single story. My eyes widened as I glance at the big smiley face, with a red X through it. I run my fingers over it. I want to know this story. Perhaps his happiness had disappeared. Leaving him into what is an abyss of deadlines. Nobody to turn to, nobody to talk to. Happiness has disappeared and he has nothing left to give, nothing left to spare. Or maybe just perhaps he hasn't succeeded in being happy overall.
I continue to walk along the wall, and I come across a quote.

"I'll give, but if there's nothing left to give. Then what do I do?" I whisper out loud.

That quote can really put someone into deep thinking. I shake it off and continue. I see just random drawings, monsters, batman, hulk. Mostly Marvel drawings. I'm amazed because, I myself are a Marvel fan. I've got comics at my apartment spread out everywhere.
I start to walk again. But I then feel something hard against my shoulder. I turn to look, but as I'm looking, I notice a big Hulk statue falling over. I cover my mouth from a gasp escaping as it crashes into the ground. Luckily it was a hard rubber, but still made a loud noise. I run to pick it up, but then I remember that I am alone. Liam have had to heard. I search the room. Looking for another place to hide. My heart starts racing and I feel heat rush to my face out of fear as I hear footsteps getting louder heading towards the room, that I am in. I start to back up, then I hear the footsteps stop.

"Let me talk to her first." I hear Zayns voice faintly through the walls and I start to listen.

I can hear some mumbling, but I can't make out any of the words that are being said. I start the hear the footsteps get closer again. But I'm now relaxed, because I know that it's Zayn. The door knob twist and the door flys open. Zayn at the other end, looking at me with anger.


"Save it." He says, walking towards the statue and placing it back up on the stand. "I see you've found my room yeah?" His voice now more bubbly. This boys moods change way too fast.

"Yeah..Zayn I'm sorry."

"It's fine." He grabs my hand and leads me to his bed. He sits down and I sit down next to him. I have a feeling I'm about to get yelled at.

"Liam wants to talk to you."

Not the subject I was expecting.


"Consider it." He demands, his voice now louder. "He won't hurt you. I won't let him Amber." I bite my lip.

"Okay." I finally give in after a minute of Zayns eyes staring me down with plead.

Zayn gives me an apologetic smile, and then stands up off the bed, holding his hand out for me to follow him. I grab his hand and he keeps me close behind him while walking out the door, not allowing me to see what's in front of him because of his height, I just accept it and follow close behind him, his hand still locked with mine.


Liam's POV:

I never meant to scare her. I feel so bad. But I've done this so many times, I don't understand why this once is weird. I shake my head. Zayn is right. We can't keep letting the other gang push us around. We need to take charge, but we also need more time to prep the rest of the members. Just then, my phone buzzes and I fish it out of my pocket.

"We'll be at the house in 10. Tell Zayn to prepare to talk. - Haz"

"Shit." I say aloud.

Harry and the gang will be here in less than 10 minutes now, and they are still in the room talking. Just as I stand up, I see Zayn walking out, one hand behind him. I move my head a little to try and see what's behind him, and the same girl with long brown hair, and chocolate eyes peer at the ground. I freeze, guilt taking over my body as her eyes shift to look at me, then back at the ground as she follows Zayn to sit on the couch beside me. We sit in awkward silence as Zayn looks at the ground. And the girl staring straight at me.

"I'm sorry." I broke the silence.


Ambers POV:

"I'm sorry." Liam says with an apologetic voice.

"Yeah." I refuse to forgive him. Or any of them for a matter of fact. Though he didn't touch me, he still made perverted remarks. I feel uncomfortable around him, and I could tell Zayn noticed, as he squeezed my hand letting me know it'll be okay.

"Okay well," Liam avoids my remark. "Harry and the rest of the gang are meeting here in less than 10 minutes. They're on their way right now, and I'm not sure how they will react to..." He pauses then points at me, then letting his hand slap back on his knee. "Her being here."

"It's Amber." Zayn says.

"Well Amber you might not forgive me, but I'm sorry okay? We were joking about the Rape thing."

"What about the selling." I demand to know if they were really going to sell me. How could they even think of it without feeling sorry?! I honestly don't know how these people live with themselves.

"That.." He paused again. "It's a different story." I let out a long sigh and put my head down. The thoughts start running through my head. And I hold back the tears.

"Who." I say, my voice now different. Shooken, scared.

"Who what-"

"The other gang." Zayn interrupts Liam, answering my question for him.

My voice has given up on me as I nod, still staring back at the ground. I look at my reflection on the dark wooden floors. And more and more images pour into my head. Them hurting me, doing things. I stare back at my reflection as a tear drops on the ground, breaking my focus.

"I'm sorry." Liam says again.

Zayn starts to rub my back in circles.

"But on the good side, it didn't happen!" Zayn says with a smile, raising his hands.

I laugh a little and wipe the remaining tears from my water line.

"We need to hide her for now," Liam says. "and not in the room either. Harry will suspect she's here. He will search the whole house if he needs to."

"Where then?" Zayn looks at Liam worried.

"My house." Liam looks up at Zayn.

"Absolutely not. Never in a million years." Zayn says, now standing up.

"Zayn he trust me. It's okay." Liam assures Zayn.

"Thing is," Zayn turns his head. His tone now daring and sassy. "I don't."

"Zayn it's okay." I stand up, interrupting the tension between them. "He's right. Harry trusts him. It's the only way."

Zayn clenches his jaw and breaths through his nose.

"Fine." Zayn grabs his coat.

"Mate.." Liam puts his hand on Zayns shoulder now, making him turn and stop.

"There's only two seats in the car." Zayns eyes widen. "Besides," He continues. "I'll walk in on you talking the Harry and act like I didn't know any thing." Liam says proudly.

"Fine. But if you fucking touch her-"

"I won't." Liam nods his head and starts walking towards the door and I follow. Just as I'm at the door, I glance back at Zayn. His eyes worried and he opens his mouth to speak, but stops himself and turn around. The door slams and I look down and follow Liam to the car.

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