Chapter 25

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"We've been driving for 30, fucking, minuets Zayn, how much longer." I finally spoke up after about a half hour of silence. Only little talk has interfered, like him asking me if I'm okay once and a while. I'm real impatient when it comes to waiting. Yes, I do want to find Niall. But before I die please?

I turn to look at Zayn driving, his hand gripped on the wheel ever so lightly, and the other hand running through his hair, his elbow setting on the arm rest. He replies with a sigh. I take it he doesn't want to talk, but that's not going to stop me.


"What!" He throws his hand from his head.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

"My problem is you!" He hand white from his grip on the steering wheel. "You're so damn needy! Always wanting answers. It's always a question. Is that what you do? You question every bit of your life? Learn to live a little. Relax and chill the fuck out. You only live once. So calm with the fucking questions."

I react by keeping my mouth shut. I turn to look back out the window from the forming wetness on my waterline. He's right. I do question a lot, but only because I was told to. My mum always told me in life that, if you don't know the question for figuring out your life, then how will you get the answer? So usually I ask a lot. Otherwise, I keep my mouth shut.

"I'm sorry." He breathes.

"No it's fine, you're right." I nod and sniff. Turning back to the window. I hear him sigh and lean back in the leather seat.

"I didn't mean-"

"I said its fine, I'm fine." I assure him again, but with a stricter tone.

"For fucks sake Amber stop saying you're fine, you're not fine. I can tell by your tone of your voice. It changes when you're mad, sad, or happy. And I can identify each one of them. Your face, it changes when your mood turns Your shoulders slouch and you grip your hands when your mad." I look down at my hands, handled in a tight ball. I loosen them and look back up at Zayn. "And when your sad, you bite your lip. You look down at awkward situations and when you're happy, which I haven't see a lot of, you giggle, and when you smile, your dimples faintly show. So don't fucking tell me you're fine." He finishes, adjusting back into the seat. "We're here." He adds.

I look back onto the road, I notice we are pulling into the same building that I once have visited before. I glance back at Zayn. He's looking onto the road, trying to focus. His tongue slightly against his teeth and his neck craned up, looking at the sidelines of the parking space.

"How did you know all of that." I breath, admiring every inch of his reaction.

"You're hard to avoid." He sighs and hops out of the car, slamming the door behind him. I gulp and stare at the building in front of me, then I hear my door being opened, causing me to jump.

"C'mon." Zayn holds out one hand for me to grab, and the other holding the door.

"I'm- I'm not going in there. Can't y-you just go look for Niall?" I stutter, glancing back at the building.

"Babe." Zayn looks at me sarcastically sighing and leaning against the car door, putting his weight on one foot. A spark of energy runs through my body at the way he says babe.

I shake my head no. There's no way in bloody hell I'm going to get in that building. Maybe if there was a Big Mac in there from Mc. Donald's I would but otherwise, nope.

"I'm not going to let anything hurt you," He steps forward, releasing his hand from the car door. "c'mon." He reaches forward with both hands, one arm under my knees, and the other supporting my back. I try to struggle out of his grip, but he has a strong one on me. I try and find kick but my short legs can't get far.

"Zayn! Let, me, down!" I struggle a bit more. I only hear him chuckle as he shuts the car door with his foot. "I'm not kidding Malik! I will tell the police you are man-handling me!"

He chuckles louder. "Oh yeah? What else are you going to tell them, that I kidnapped you?" He throws his head back in laughter.

"Not a bad idea." I pout. He finally lets me down on my feet as we get to the door.

"Ready?" He breaths, looking over at me.


"Great." I feel his hand close the space between his and mine, and I automatically feel like I'm going to pass out. Why is he holding my hand? The answer soon comes to me as we walk in the doors, everything is pitch black. Except for a tiny red light in the back. He only is holding my hand because he doesn't want to lose me. I can't help but feel a rush of disappointment fall over.

I hear Zayn flip the light switch. But nothing happens. He does it a few more times. Nothing.

"Try-try-try a different one." I stutter, clenching to Zayns hand.

"There's only, one." I hear his voice fade in my ear. I can only feel his hand, close together with mine, no body, no face. Just our hands. Our warmth. And it's quite peaceful. But fear ruins it when I realize we are stuck in the pitch black warehouse I was about to be sold at. I hold Zayns hand even tighter.

"Ouch, shit Bamby." I feel him try to pull away, but I'm not allowing that. Not today, not right now.

"What did you just call me?"

"Bamby. That's your nickname for me love." I hear him chuckle.

"Nice, Zaynie." I can't help but giggle.

"That's what Liam calls me!" He chuckles more and I feel his thumb draw circles on my hand.

"He's going to call you dead if you don't listen to me right now." I hear a different voice from in front of us, but I can't see anything. I feel a sting to my head, then myself falling to the ground, blackness stays the same. And the red dot gets fuzzy.

Authors note:

Vote if you want another chapter tonight. <3

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