Chapter 10

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This was Zayn Malik? The multi millionaire that has been all over the new recently? I mean, how could have I not noticed. He's everywhere?

"Y-you're Zayn Malik? The millionaire douchebag?" I laugh.

"I'm not- I wouldn't say that." He coughs a little and looks at Lewis. "Just drive to the house off the corner of Avenue street."

Lewis nods his head and pulls out into traffic.

"Wait. Why?" I ask in confusion.

"Why what?"

"Why did you kidnap me? I mean, you did it for the money right? But you have, well a LOT?!? So why did you do it?" Questions are flying through my mind.

"Amb can we talk about this at my house-"

"Stop calling me Amb?! I've only known you for a few days. And you haven't really given off the best impression of yourself?!" Anger overrides curiosity and I can't help but feel all these emotions.

Zayn sighs and digs out his phone from his pocket. He checks the time and puts his phone back into his jeans.

I assume he's not going to answer, so I lay my head back onto the widow. Why is this happening to me. He did this for money, but then again he's a millionaire? This can't be happening. Zayn Malik just kidnapped me. And now... I don't know what's going to happen?

After about 30 minutes, we pull into a off road trail. My attention goes to the window and I look over the trail.
A huge house with a lot of open windows. Please don't tell me that's his house, I've never been I huge fan of rich people. They are all rude, ignorant, and have no respect for others.

We pull into the drive way and Lewis clicks a button, opening a garage of two doors. Three cars lay in the garage, shining off the sun. A black and red Bugatti, red Corvette, and a black Mercedes Benz. Classical rich cars.

"Thanks Lew." Zayn says, and opens his door to step out. Lewis nods his head and looks at me.

"Well, are you going to get out?" He says.

I look out the window and Zayn at the front of his house, he turns around and raises his eye brows.

I step out of the car, struggling to get my bag out of the door. It's stuck on something, I think the door?

"A little help?" I look at Zayn.

"You've got it." He puts the keys in his house door and it opens. Zayn walks inside and leaves the door open behind him.

What a dick.

After a minute of struggling, I managed to get the bag and carry it inside. Once I reach the doorway, I set them at the opening of the door.

"Wow." I say, gazing at all the open, big windows of the house. I swear, this could be Edward Cullen's house.

"Like what you see?" I jump a bit, startled by the interruption of silence.

"No." I pick up the bags. "Where do these go?"

He pointed to the couch to the right of me, and I walk over there and set them down. I turn to look at Zayn.

"We have a lot to talk about." Just then, my stomach growls. I totally forgot about not eating breakfast.

"Hungry?" He walks over the the modern kitchen, and picks up a cookie. He starts eating it, and gives me a smirk.

"Zayn I want you to stop avoiding this. You know we need to talk."

"I know, you just seem hungry." He grabs the bottom of his shirt and pulls it over his head, revealing all his tattoos and muscles.

Taken - Z.Mحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن