Chapter 27

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Sorry I haven't been updating lately guys, I've been practicing little things on the guitar and it's really hard. I'm about to smash my guitar, you have no idea. ):

Love you all so much.



Zayns hand digs in my back pocket while Matt is shoving his tongue down my throat, gripping my sides and pulling me closer to him. I feel a slight pinch that makes me whimper a little bit, but not too much. Obviously Zayn is grabbing not just the pocket knife, but my ass too. I grunt, and walk forward, feeling the pocket knife slip out of my back pocket as I lift my hands up Matts shirt.

"You have no idea how much I miss you." I feel him mumble against my lips.

I keep pushing him back, having no idea where I'm going. But I just need him away from Zayn. I feel a breeze between Matt and I and I pull back.

"Guards go into the other room! Now!" Matt shouts and I hear them walking, steps echoing through the building. His eyes follow the guards and after a minuet, I hear a door shut. Alarming that the guards are gone. Matts eyes frst back to me, with lust and sexual frustration. I'm almost sickened at the sight. Zayn better cut his rope quick before I do it my self. I might just stab him in the eye for grabbing my ass while I'm at it.

Matt crashes his lips back on mine, forming that familiar warmth that I ever so hate. He licks my bottom lip, asking for an entrance, but I deny. I need to take this slow for Zayn. The guards are gone and Zayn is my only way out of this place safely. I feel rough hands grab my wrist -surely Matts- and I'm flipped around, where I'm walking backwards, being pushed by the monster in front of me. My back hits a wall and I let out an "Unf." I open my eyes and Matt pulls away, trapping both hands on either side of my head. All the while my hands are forced to run down Matts shirt.

He brings his lips back to mine and doesn't even ask for an entrance, just barging his tongue into my mouth. This all is just so familiar, bringing back memories. The sights flash through my head. The ripping pain. The hands forced around my neck. The rope burns around my wrist and ankle. Shock runs through me as tears start to well up in my closed eyes. I squeeze them tighter and force a shutter to not be released.

C'mon Zayn, C'MON.

I feel Matt pull away and a loud shriek leaves his mouth, making me jump. I look to my left and notice Matts right hand, knifed into the wall. Blood dripping from in while he winces in pain. His face turns red and he continues to cry out.

"FUCKING SHIT GODDAMNIT." The words escape his mouth as he try's to duffle over in pain, but failing as his hand is ripping as he pulls.

I strong hand pulls me from under Matt.

"Zayn!" I scream out, letting the tears fall.

He ignores me and continues to pull me along, heading towards the exit. I stare at the exit as is seems to get smaller and smaller the faster we run to it. My legs are getting weak and my vision is blurry due to the streaming tears. Zayns grip gets tighter the more near we are to the exit. I feel as if I'm about to fall. I look back at Matt as I'm running, and he's crouching, hand still knifed to the wall.

"Guards!" He screams out, clearly having pain in his voice. The fact that Zayn can force a knife through his hand and then through the concrete wall, is scary. It reminds me of back when I was forced against the wall by Zayn. It reminds me of how scared I was, and how I wanted to scream bloody murder at the top of my lungs, but I just couldn't. I could only get a few words out, but the way Zayns eyes looked at me in the alley, reminded me the look that Matt used to give me, before he started drugs. His stare kept me speechless.

"Amber c'mon!" I hear Zayns voice echo as we get to the door. I look forward again and notice we are running out the exit, the breeze running through my tied up hair. Zayn throws open his car door, and I quickly hop in. He runs around the other side and hops in the the driver side of the car. Starting the car, the engine roars loudly. I see the warehouse door slam open and Zayn squeals his tires, but halting to a stop when he notices who comes out.

"Niall." Zayn whispers.

"Please, don't leave me" Nialls hoarse voice yells, limping and crouching over in pain. Blood dripping from his mouth and his bruised eye stands out along with the cuts and bruises all over his arms.

Zayns hops out of the car and runs over to Niall, picking him up bridal style then opening my car door.

"Get out." Zayn says.


"Get. Out." He snaps again.

I stay there fumbled. Is he really kicking me out of his car?


I hop out of the car and walk back, while Zayn gently places Niall in the passenger seat. Zayn turns to look at me.

"Come here." He mumbles, gesturing his hand for me to come. I stutter a bit, but walk towards him, tears streaming down. He grabs my hand and pulls me to the drivers side. He then sits down in his car and pats his lap.

"Come on, sit." He stares at me. "We don't have all day Amber seriously!" He pats his lap again and without thinking twice I sit on his lap, leaning towards the window as he shuts the car door.

Speeding out of the warehouse parking lot and onto to street, the door flys open again in the rear view mirror. Matt fumbles out, clutching his hand in a towel. Blood dripping. No wait, blood gushing out.

I place myself comfortably on Zayns lap, making him shuffle a little and gulp as the car speeds faster to the house.

"Mmmm." Niall mumbles and I look over at him, head leaned back and eyes closed, holding his stomach.

"Hang on Niall we are almost there." Zayns hoarse voice says.

I stare at Zayns face a bit, while he looks at the road. His gorges long eyelashes extend out. His hazel eyes glow as the sun reflects off of them. His almost jet black hair styled in a slight messy quiff and tattoos raid his arms.

"Take a picture it will last longer." He croaks with a smirk.

I hear Niall giggle a little but then back to holding his stomach, clearly in pain from laughing. I decide not to say anything, as I wouldn't bear another remark. I sniffle and wipe the tears that had streamed down.

"I was kidding don't take it too harsh?" He furrows his eyebrows.

I let out a chuckle. "Not that."

"Well, was it Matt, were you scared? Did he hurt you?"

"Just memories that he brought up."

"Oh." He stares blankly at the road.

I make a quick decision and grab his dick, maybe along balls.

"That's for grabbing my ass." I chuckle as a vein appears on the side of his head and he leans forward, face turning red.

"Touch the booty or die trying." Niall croaks with a chuckle.



Taken - Z.MOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora