Chapter 21 - Confessions, Angels and Video Tapes

Start from the beginning

"There was no way we could keep all this from our parents. We had used mom's guns, and Rosie was hysterical, and told her mom everything when we got there. Aunt Liz called mom and we pretty much had to admit to what we did. And that's why we couldn't stay. So far, no one knew it was us. But either the cops or the gang would find out and then it would be either death or jail. So we went to Florida. I can't believe how stupid we were to fight that."

"Also in hindsight, killing them was stupid too. We had cops in the damn family. But we never once even considered that option. Stupid huh?"

After what seemed like forever, Dean cleared his throat. "So no one ever caught on to you?" he asked.

"Don't know. But no one ever came and dragged us away."

Sam and Dean looked at each other. Then Sam said, "And you thought this was going to be some sort of problem for us?"

I shrugged. "We hoped not, but we didn't know for sure, and we decided you had to know. Only fair."

Dean said, "Sounded like a pretty slick operation to me, for a couple of kids."

"Dean," I said, "It had been a long time since we were a couple of kids. Our world might not have real monsters, but it has human ones, and the emotional toll on a kid is pretty much the same."

No one spoke for a little while. Then Dean grinned and rubbed his hands together. "I have an idea," he said. "How about we pop some popcorn and watch a movie?"

"Oh do pop the popcorn," I said. "But I have a much better idea. I'll be right back." I jumped up and ran down to my room to fetch the DVD I'd brought back from home.

When we were all gathered together again I said, "Okay is there someplace in this Bat Cave that can play a computer DVD on a big screen?"

"Yep," said Dean. "Follow me."

"Oh nice," said Maggie, looking a bit better. "The show never shows you guys in here. Do you actually spend time in here?"

"Yeah, of course we do," said Sam, looking a bit puzzled at the question.

The room was nice, definitely decked out for watching movies and television. It had two medium size couches close together, farthest from the screen, and at angles to each other, as well as two comfy looking recliners. There were coffee tables in front of the couches, and end tables by each of the chairs. There was a major sound system set up with all the bells and whistles, and a small desk against the wall that held a computer connected to the system.

I whistled as I looked around. "How many credit cards did you have to max out to get all this?" I asked in wonder.

Sam laughed and said, you don't wanna know."

Dean led Maggie to 'HIS' couch, set down two beers and a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in front of it and then sat down beside her. Sam put down our beers and popcorn in front of the other couch and led me to the computer, where we took the DVD and inserted it. I indicated that he should go sit first.

"Okay guys, a little speech before we begin," I said.

"Aww geez," Dean complained exaggeratedly, flopping his head against the back of the couch.

"Dean!" said Sam, frowning at him.

"What?" Dean answered, drowning back and feigning innocence.

I was glad to see the mood lightening. But I had to warn them before doing this. "Here's the thing. This could go two ways. It could be a huge disaster or it could be kinda fun. But either way it's going to be educational for us, so consider it research."

"Aw c'mon, I wasn't planning on working today," Dean complained again, which made every smile.

"Yeah well," I said. "Anyway, here's how I see it. Maggie and I know you as fictional characters, and now as real people. We want to show you how we first saw you, and what you meant to us. And kind of why people love Supernatural. But I also realize that this is in a way a recording of your own lives, like when you read the Supernatural books."

"I didn't read them," said Dean smugly, taking a drink of his beer.

"Yes you did," said Sam, which earned him a nasty glance from Dean.

"Anyway," I said, dragging out the word, "Some of this might hurt you, which bothers me the most, or make you angry. But you watch TV here right? You watch movies. Maybe try to look at it like it's just a movie about other people because really it kind of is. Maybe it won't even be the same, and certainly there will be a lot that isn't even shown. We only get 45 minutes of actual show."

I took a breath. "So with that said, I'm going to start with the very first pilot episode. Sam, this one's going to be a bit painful for you, I'm sorry."

Sam nodded a bit and said, "I'll be okay."

"We fight monsters and die a lot. Not gonna let a little TV show get to us. Bring it on already!" This, of course, from Dean. I started the episode and went to sit by Sam on the couch. He put his arm around me and smiled.

Castiel's POV

Castiel stood behind the couches, invisibly watching the two emerging couples. He liked the girls. A lot. Camael did a good job. But that was exactly what he had expected from the Archangel in charge of love and finding soul mates. Took him a while didn't it? But then again, he'd had to go offworld to even find a match for these two. Again no surprise.

What was a surprise was how they were TV show characters on that other world. How does that even happen? And how is that going to affect them down the road? He had never seen such a thing before, but then, he wasn't all that knowledgeable about other worlds, having been assigned to this one since the beginning. This was an intriguing concept. But more than that, Cas felt it was now his responsibility to find out more about it, considering that he was the one responsible for making it happen in the first place.

He watched them for a few more minutes, allowing himself to believe the boys might actually be able to find some real happiness. But as soon as he could, he would have to go have a long talk with Camael. He had to understand how Sam and Dean could be real on one world, and fictional on another, but with basically identical timelines. Something about that troubled him. Troubled him very much.

Editors note: Interested readers can find information about the archangel Camael (Also known as Chamuel) by going to the website

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