*** Review 50***

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  "He fell into despair and lost all hope... For who could ever love a beast?" -Beauty and The Beast


When Elle stumbled upon an ad for a stay in chef, she thought the universe had finally tipped in her favor. After graduating from culinary school, she wasn't sure what direction her life would go in... Until she met Stefan DeGramont. At first, he seemed like a cold hearted, presumptuous, egotistical asshole. As she grew to know him... Well... I guess you could add Mafia boss to the list. Now tangled in his crazy Mafia business, will something fragile like her heart, be on the line? Or maybe something more risky, like her life? Could all this be avoided If she can learn to love the man behind the beast... Before it's too late. 


 "A thorn defends the Rose. Harming only those that will steal the blossom."  

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