Chapter Fifteen: Meeting the In-Laws

Start from the beginning

"I actually graduated medical school but that wasn't what I wanted to do," Elena revealed making Robin's parents stared at her, they hadn't expected her to give that answer; thinking that she had dropped out of school or something. 

Robin watched his wife, he knew his mother was going to push the subject and he was glad that Elena was standing up for herself. 

José Ras pursed her lips as she regained her composure, she might not have been expecting that but she wasn't going to give up; she knew that there had to be some way of getting rid of Elena. 

"I'm sure your parents were both disappointed," José Ras mused making Elena look at her, it was all too clear what the older woman was trying to do; she could understand a little but she wished that she had a chance to prove herself. 

Elena knew that she shouldn't let it bother her, if her son married someone that she had never heard of or met before then she'd act the same way; especially if her son was as famous as Robin was. 

"They were very understanding since my father is a surgeon and my mother was a midwife... they wanted me to be happy with what I was doing," Elena explained making Robin smile at her listening to her talk about her parents, he didn't care what his mother thought Elena was the woman for him and he wasn't going to change his mind. 

José Ras pursed her lips, she was not happy with this and she knew that this was only the beginning; she doubted that it would be long before Elena broke her son's heart and tried to make off with his money. 

Robin kissed Elena, he didn't care what his mother had to say and he wasn't going to ruin things in his relationship because she didn't want to give Elena a fair chance.


Elena couldn't have been happier when José Ras announced that she was going to bed, the older woman had spent the entire day trying to undermine the brunette; she was making it perfectly clear that she didn't like her. 

Elena had done everything that she could to try and get José Ras to warm up to her, she knew that it was important to Robin that she got along with his mother but nothing the brunette did seemed to change her mind. 

Running a brush through her wet brown hair, Elena sighed sitting on the bed after her shower and thought about how the next week was going to go; Robin was reading a book behind her as she prepared for bed. 

"That went better than I thought," Robin mused making Elena look at him as she finished brushing her hair, she rolled her eyes making him chuckle. 

Robin knew that things hadn't gone well but he had been a little concerned that his mother was going to be completely unreasonable; he was still sure that with time that José Ras would come around. 

"Your mother hates me," Elena stated making Robin laugh as he kissed her softly, he brushed some wet hair from her face; he pulled back and shook his head still sure that things would get better for them with his mother. 

"She doesn't hate you, my mother wants what's best for me," Robin murmured making Elena smile at his comforting words; however she knew as well as he did that they weren't true. 

José Ras had made it very clear that she didn't like Elena and what she thought of the brunette; it was true that by the ending of the evening José Ras had gotten quiet as Robin cuddle with Elena while they all watched television but that was all that had happened.

Robin slowly started to kiss down his wife's neck, she shot him a warning look making him chuckle; she wasn't going to have sex with him while his parents were staying with them.

Elena didn't want to make things worse when it came to his mother, she could only imagine what would happen if his parents ever discovered the real reason that they had gotten married; it would only make things worse for them.

 "Robin," Elena warned making the footballer look at her and sigh, he knew that she wasn't going to change her mind now that she had made it; Elena swallowed spotting the look on her husband's face and she knew that he wasn't happy about this. 

Robin sighed as he moved away from his wife, he was sure that they would be able to handle this and he hated to think what was going to happen when Bouchra arrived the next morning. 

"Bouchra's bringing the children to see my parents tomorrow," Robin warned her, he could only imagine what would happen when they were all together. 

Elena held back a groan at the thought of spending the day with Robin's ex-wife and this wasn't going to be pleasant; she knew that Bouchra was looking to score points with everything that was going on. 

Since the start of the custody battle things with Bouchra had only gotten worse, the Moroccan-Dutch had been trying to drive a wedge between her and Robin. 

Bouchra didn't seem to want her ex-husband to have anything good in his life and was trying everything she could to pull the children further away from him; she was already using Ewan's career as a police officer to try to score some points against Robin. 

"It'll be okay," Robin reassured watching his wife, he knew why she wasn't looking forward to tomorrow and he didn't blame her; the only plus side that he could see was that he got to see his children again. 

Elena looked at Robin knowing that she wasn't going to be the sort of wife, who whined about things that didn't go her way; she had a feeling that the next few days were going to be tough anyway.


José Ras took a deep breath as she settled into her bedroom, she wasn't pleased with the turn of events and she was far from happy with the fact that Robin seemed completely in love with the brunette. 

José Ras was sure that there was something that she was missing, she didn't believe the story that Robin and Elena were telling people of how they met; her son had never kept anything from her before and now he was lying to her because of some receptionist. 

José Ras climbed into bed, she was sure that there was something that her son was trying to hide; she could only imagine what Elena was filling his head with and she hoped that the truth came out soon. 

Bouchra's warning about the brunette had been useful, José Ras had adored her former daughter-in-law and she was a little disappointed that things hadn't worked out between them. 

Bouchra might have been the one to end things so that she could be with Ewan but it was clear that Robin hadn't put up much of a fight to keep his family together. 

José Ras didn't understand what had happened, she had never been able to get that full story from anyone; she adored her grandchildren and she couldn't wait for them to arrive tomorrow. 

José Ras was sure that the week would get better, she had big plans for Robin's birthday and she wasn't going to be including Elena in those plans; the less time that she had to spend with the receptionist the better. 

José Ras smiled, she was so glad that things seemed to be going okay between Robin and Bouchra; she hated to think how messed their relationship could have gotten when they had divorced.

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