Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Emmy we need to talk" I felt my way around the tiny bump on my belly. I tilted my head up hearing Jace's voice. My face turned into a frown. He still came in. I haven't seen him in almost a full month. Not since. My throat tightened into a knot, don't cry.

"What about?" I felt my hand go up and down the bump again, it wasn't huge, but it wasn't small either. I heard him close the door, his footsteps nearing the bed. He hesitantly sat down on the edge of the bed. He let out a sigh.

"I fucked up Emerald. I..." his voice went quiet. "I fucked up..." I could tell he was crying, his voice had cracked at the end. I kept quiet. My fingers began tapping on the bed again. Calm down. Don't cry.

"Where have you been? For a month" I tried to play off my voice breaking. God damn it. He was silent for a bit. Then I heard him gulp.

"D-9...I wasn't aloud to leave. I just got out today. Rae doesn't know. I had to come here first" I shifted uncomfortably, pulling the covers more up my body. "You don't have to talk to me at all. You don't have to address me. Don't have to do anything with me for the rest of your fucking life"

I bit my lip as he continued, "You don't. I was tricked by the bastard I call my father. He said you wouldn't get hurt by him. If I didn't comply he would kill my mate. My Rae. I didn't think he would hurt his daughter"

I'm not his daughter. But I let him continue. "He killed you before? What more does he want? I didn't think he was going to sell you off and make you...make you-" He shuddered. His voice obviously turning into his cries. "I don't want you to hate me. Please I ask you not to hate me. You don't have to love me just please don't hate me" His voice continued breaking. "You don't have to talk to me again. But know I will do everything in my power to raise this baby. I will. I will do more than Ryder will ever do. It might not pay for my sins, hell, it won't even make me feel better. But it will be the right thing to do. For you. For my sister. The sister I tossed to the dogs..." I felt around for his hand. I grabbed it, holding it. He stopped, I think staring at our closed hands.

"Your still my brother. Maybe not by blood, but by heart. I know what you did was wrong but you were only protecting your own." He was silent for a few more minutes, making me break it. "I won't ever hate you. Never. Thank you for talking to me about it"

"Wait..." he sniffled. "I don't get it. Why are you saying thank you to me..."

"Because...R-Ramon would've just come back. Rae, my best friend would've been dead. There was no positive way out of this situation. The moon goddess has everything for a reason Jace. Now, she's telling me it's for a good reason" I heard him laugh through his cries. Sniffling a bit more. "Now go find your mate you big doofus"


I continued to stare at the picture in my hand. Silent tears streaming down my face. My hand was clutching onto my stomach. My little boy. He was in the middle, Sophie to his arms and Emily to his right. All of them smiling. Happy. Then Jace was also there, his little girl, cradled in his arms. Rae, I remember clear as day, was scolding him. She was in the background looking like she was about to blow a fuse. She kept telling him not to throw the toddler in the air or he's gonna drop her. But he never did, he always caught his princess.

But my fingers traced over to the only little boy in the picture. His eyes were still red. His hair messed up, probably from the baby, grabbing on his hair. He never cared though. He was also dirty, probably from playing in the dirt. I felt the burning in my throat as I clutched to the photo. The burning in my stomach wasn't gone. Kya knew I missed my babies. I missed them being babies. I missed them all being happy and here. Emily told us of her encounter with him. I felt my tears pour down even heavier. Well until I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I put my hand up to wipe off the tears from my face, before I was forced to turn around to face my mate.

"Have you been crying?"

"Well I..uh" he glanced at the photo in my hand then had sighed.


"I know. I know. It's just. It's difficult. Especially with this war..."

"The kids put this on themselves. You know this. There is nothing to fret over"

"I just can't help-" his lips had then met mine in a passionate kiss to shut me up. His hands cradling my face. He then broke away, keeping his hands in place.

"Everything will be fine. I promise, trust me mi amor" I agree too easily.



Oooo a long one. I'm proud of myself. Anyways. There. I've been getting some more comments on why Emerald forgave Jace. So boom. There.



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