Chapter 5 (unedited)

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A little out of breath we wordlessly sunk into deep stretches, opposite each other. I took the opportunity whilst I was touching my toes to look behind me for the woman. Despite her obviously practised skills, I caught a brief glimpse of her a hundred metres or so away, sitting on a bench, sipping a coffee. "Bench, twelve o'clock," I muttered before raising my voice, and switching back to English. "Do we still have time for the swings before we have to head back?" I asked, bouncing on the balls of my feet. With a laugh Annabeth nodded, and within seconds I was charging towards the playground. Whilst the swings were mostly meant for young children - and by mostly, I really mean only - I had never seen any kids here this early in the morning, letting me claim the playground as my own.

I started off by the monkey bars, curling my legs up so that I had to swing my full body weight from one bar to the next. It didn't take long for me to make it to the other end, and I was off again, surprisingly full of energy for the little sleep I had been able to get. After using all the equipment - and nearly getting stuck on the enclosed spiral slide that was definitely not meant for kids over the age of 10 - I joined Annabeth on the swings. We swung back and forth in unison comfortable silence between us, before she hesitantly asked if I'd got any sleep last night. "Not after my nap, no. I just ... couldn't fall back asleep, I didn't want to risk it." In my peripheral vision, I saw the woman drawing closer, presumably trying to eavesdrop. "I'll be fine, I'll take a Trazadone tonight, get a full nights sleep. Anyway, " I started, changing the subject to a less revealing one, mindful that someone was listening to every word I said. "As much as I love the swings, we should probably head back soon, my mom will be worried if we're late back."

Annabeth and I both slowed our swings down by setting our feet on the group, not daring to jump off mid air like we usually would, not if we were being watched. The walk back to my apartment would only take 15 minutes or so, leaving us almost half an hour to shower and get ready before my mom would be serving up breakfast. She had promised me blue chocolate chip pancakes today, and the thought of that urged me forwards, a slight spring in my step. Annabeth momentarily looked surprised at my sudden change of pace, before relaxing again, her hand wrapped around mine.

Quietly we opened the front door, and crept towards my room. Although my mother didn't mind us going out early in the morning, their was no reason to worry her anymore about my inability to sleep. Annabeth headed straight to my en suite for a shower, and whilst I waited for my turn I decided to pack my school stuff. After a quick glance at my schedule - I had Algebra, English Lit, Home Ec, Gym and History today - I headed over to the precarious pile of textbooks at the end of my bed, and searched for the ones I would need. Once I had those packed into my bag, I searched for my clean gym kit, stuffing it into a small holdall. I headed back out to the kitchen to put together something for mine and Annabeth's lunches; after finding a toenail clipping in my macaroni and cheese, both of us had steered clear of the school cafeteria.

I heard Annabeth softly call to me from my room. "I'm out Percy, you can hop in the shower now." Ready to get out of my sweaty clothes I headed back into my bathroom, only pausing to grab a pair of black jeans and a graphic tee from my closet. Willing myself to get wet I stepped under the shower head and quickly washed my hair. I was in the shower for only five minutes before stepping out, willing myself dry again. Being the son of Poseidon comes with some perks, I thought, as I pulled on my clean clothes. Heading back out to my room I sat down on the bed behind my girlfriend, who was lacing up her converse. Running my fingers through her hair, I felt the water gradually leave it, before pulling her hair up into a high ponytail. She passed me a couple of hair ties and then leaned back into me, content to just spend a few minutes doing nothing. Even with my ADHD we made it five minutes before we both became too restless, and I had to stand up. It was perfectly timed as that was the moment I heard my mom quietly step out into the hall.

"We're awake mom, you don't need to be quiet," I called out to her, mindful to keep my volume low, in case Paul was still asleep. I stooped to pick up mine and Annabeth's school bags, before heading back out to the kitchen. Quickly scooping our lunches into our bags, I helped to get out the ingredients for breakfast. "Mom, I think Annabeth and I are probably gonna head to a cafe or the library to study after school for a bit. Also I said that we'd meet Nico and Will at McDonald's, so we probably wont be back in time for dinner. I don't know when we'll get back, we might be heading to her aunt's house on the way back so that she can pick up some more clothes and stuff."

"It'll be nice for you to see Nico and Will," my mom replied." You've been so busy studying for finals that I don't think you've left the house except for school, and Annabeth's place. Don't worry about dinner, Paul and I might take the opportunity to go out for a meal." Whilst we had been talking mom had expertly created a stack of blue chocolate chip pancakes, stacked dangerously high. "Now you two eat up your pancakes, Paul is leaving soon if you want to catch a lift."


Sorry for the super abrupt ending I didn't know how to end it (plus im too excited to write the next chapter, I'll probably make this a lot better when I edit it)

According to Google Trazadone is a (prescription only?) medication that can be used to treat "depression, anxiety, sleep and pain." [So basically prescribed to Percy for his insomnia]

Also if it wasn't clear when I write in italics its because the speech is in another language - Greek/Latin (will mostly be Greek, and I will specify if it is meant to be Latin). I might occasionally use italics for emphasis but I'm going to try to avoid that, so as to not confuse myself, as much as to not confuse anyone reading this.

Finished (17/04/2018)

Percy Jackson meets the Avengers [VERY SLOW UPDATES]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon