Chapter 8- Mission 1

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"P'Arthit I already know about that photo... Aren't we lovers? Why dont you tell me when something is bothering you? You used to scold me for not telling you,  for not discussing with you about something.. What am I to you P? Your lover, Your Junior or just an acquaintance?"

I dont know what is going on here I am trying to reach Kong yet his drifting away from me

As I found myself in the cheer hall sitting beside Kongpope

"P'Arthit  ..  do you still want me to continue walking beside you like this or you want me to stop here?... If you still cant answer yourself..  I'll give this gear badge back to you.. When can you decide yourself.. We'll talk again"

After that Kongpope left me again,  I am seriously chasing after him but he disappeared..  I hate this what is going! I want to talk to you Kongpope! Where are you?

And now I found myself in our canteen (SSU)

I am in queue for nomyen and then I went to buy for chicken basil.. When I return to aunty stall to get my Pink Milk once again I saw Kongpope

"Is my pink milk rea--" I stop when I saw Kongpope look at me yet he avoid my gaze

"The pink milk is ready" The Aunty said, I took it but the aunty stop me and said "Its not yours, its his he ordered before you, Earlier I was going to tell you I ran out of pink milk syrup, can you change it to that regular sweet milk?"

She asked me but before I can answer Kong butt in and says

"It's okay, give it to him... I'll come back next time Sorry"

Then he left me again, damn it! I need to catch him this time.. I try to chase after him and I woken up

I cried for hours, I don't know which one happened first but with those memory Kong tried to slip away from me! This is my last chance

If he doesnt want to introduce himself, I will find everything about him with our common friends I know its too early but I demand Ai'Bright, Ai'Knot, Ai'Prem, Ai'Toota to meet me tonight and Bright replied to meet at his bar

Since when did he got a bar?

I refreshed myself before I went out to buy for my breakfast before I can go out to my apartment I received a call from the caller named Durian

I answered it

"Sawasdee Nong Arthit! It's Durian from HR Department of Ocean Electric, Are you okay now? I heard from Nong Kongpope that you had an accident, I am just asking if your going to extend your leave or your going to return back to your work... don't worry Nong Kongpope explained to us that you lost your memories were here to guide you if you decided to return back.. can I get your answer?"

"Sawasdee P'Durian can I go visit there today and then return back to work tomorrow? At least for today you can orient me things to I should know.."

"Sure Nong Arthit! We will wait for you"

"Thank you P"

I quickly look for a my clothes, thankfully it seems I ironed it or maybe Kongpope did, I look for my company id before I proceeded to search for a taxi or maybe a motorcycle services will do to bring me to ocean electric

When I arrived at Ocean Electric I asked the security what floor is the human resources the guard seemed to know about me or something and a bit startled but he give me the information I want and I headed there

When I arrived at HR department, a chubby long haired girl greeted me I think she is P'Durian

"How are you now Nong Arthit? I'm glad your here where is Kongpope didnt he come here with you?" I am curious about her question why she seem to be familiar with Kong?

"P can I ask you a question?"

"Sure anything Nong Arthit" she said as she leads me the canteen of the company I quickly check the time its 10 am maybe their vacant or something?

"P why do you know Kongpope? Is he working here?" She look stunned at my question

she smiled at me when she replies "Nong.. Kongpope used to intern here, his the best we could ask for, but I didnt manage to apologize to him at the end of his internship"

"Why? What happened P?"

She is reluctant to tell me something but after a few minutes she took her phone and show me a picture of me and Kongpope kissing in the beach

"What about this photo?"

"I accidentally posted it in our line group and everyone saw that, you and Kongpope avoid each other or something but in the end of his internship you admitted that your in a relationship with him" P'durian narrated

Then she showed me a video of Kong's last day of internship and when I came to take the microphone stand firm and admit that I love him

This is enough for me to know that he is not lying and I took him for granted

After they orient me about my work and do some job to help P'Earth about the upcoming contest, time runs fast and now I am heading to Bright's bar

When I arrived they already drinking

"Your late Ai' Arthit" Bright said

"Traffic my friend, I want you to tell me everything you know about Kongpope!" I demanded them

"What the hell Ai'Arthit! You got us here only to ask that?" Ai'Prem yelled while Knot calmly interjected

"What did you do Arthit?"

"What do you mean? What did I do Knot?" I stuttered

"Did you shove him away that he gave up on you for real? And your planning to win back?" Shit bull's eye as expected to Ai'Knot the sharpest in our team


And then they start to tease me before telling me about Kongpope 0062 that who did everything to fight against me his head hazer and they told me about I admitted our relationship... that we are dating during Senior's party

"What are you planning now Arthit?" Ai'Toota inquired as Ai'Bright is giving me a condom and lube

"Shit! get this! You'll be needing this when I kill you Ai'Bright" as I chased after him and an idea popped up in my mind

I throw him the lube and condom and I excused myself, they wish me luck..And now I need to proceed to the next phase of my mission

Wait for me Kongpope

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