Chapter 12-Jealousy

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I let him dragged me to my old apartment to be precise our apartment

He let me sit in the sofa, I just stared at him, waiting for him to throw the bomb, the endless question about me and Kaofang

Maybe he'll ask if I didnt regret accepting her gear or what ...since he wanted to throw me away just a few weeks ago?

So why I am here again? I turned to look at sulking P'Arthit

"Can I go home P?" I inquired he stared at me disbelief

"Your here at our home Kongpope!"

"A few weeks ago, you wanted me away! you hurted me so much that I cannot take it so why you want me to stay here if my mere existence
--" I didnt manage to finish what I am saying when he push to his bed rather our old bed and he straddle his legs to mine

Is he seducing me?

"Kong listen! I am sorry for everything ! I know I am wrong yet I dont know how to woo you so I ended up thinking breaking up with you is a good choice because I can court you and start new memories with you! I want you to love me for me the stupid Arthit who chased you out than your senior who is reluctant to tell everyone how much he loves you! So if you can accept me and be with me I promise to do anything you want for you to forgive me and give me a chance to date you"

His acting cute now, How can I resist him? I love him so much and he loves to mislead me
I know what he wants...  but I want to play with a little hard to get

"Kongpope? why your not saying anything... tell me did I mislead you again? Breaking up with you is not easy for me its just I am jealous with my old self"

"Why P?"

"Because you love him so much, you always compliment him and take care of him"

Huh? Its my first time hearing this kind of issue well what should I do? I am the source of his jealously to himself maybe I can try to ease his pain

"Do you want us to start everything?"

He nodded and he speak "Hi! I am Arthit! It seems I am your room mate and soon to be your lover I hope you can handle being with me, I am not a morning person, a stubborn and I love to drink pink milk also I hate bland food I prefer spicy" as he winked at me shit so cute erase erase so sexy! 😂😂

"I am Kongpope, I love to eat bland food and I want to know more of you P'Arthit"

Out of blue he kissed me to my lips

"Now, I seal the first step our love story! Come with me Kong I want to re-introduce you to my friends..  Since Ai'Knott is finished in chapter 3 of his thesis, his not going to throw his MacBook to me"

"Sure P!"

Then were off to meet his friends, I am looking forward to fall in love with you all over again my Sun



I am happy Kong is here with me! This time I will not lose him! With or without memories my heart only belongs to my moon

I line chat my friends stating that if they value their lives they need to go at Ai'Bright's bar whether they like it or not, since I will introduce my soon to be boyfriend to them

When we arrived they look pissed at me while I took Kong's hand to intertwine to mines

He look stunned when I did that, Of course I am his soon to be boyfriend I need to show him that I am willing to tell the world that his off limits

"Okay Okay! What's this show now Khun Arthit?" Ai'Bright asked as he pointed our holding hands why? Isnt against the law to walk hand in hand with the one you love?

"My friends meet my soon to be boyfriend Kongpope, they are my friends Ai'Knott our muscle man his my closetest friend, then beside him is Ai'Prem then Ai'Toota beside him is Ai'Bright the owner of this bar" I smiled at him after introducing to him my friends, well I know very well they knew him

But we are starting our story again right?

"Okay, I'm confused Arthit.. I just finished writing Methodology of my thesis now it seems my head is spinning ... tell me why do you need to introduce us to our nong when he already know us? You threaten us for this?!"

I sighed before I smiled and started narrating that I will do everything to win Kong's love

When I looked at him, his blushing his so cute why I never notice this first before I shove him away?

"Oi! Arthit why are you eye fucking your soon to be boyfriend! order food for us first! You shit head We are hungry! and we want boost! damn you! Its not good to make your date starve at your first date! Your a dumb!"

"Fine! Fine! Its my treat, order what you want and I want a discount Ai'Bright"

"Sure my friend!"

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