Chapter 31- Kidnapped?

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When I open my eyes, P'Arthit is sleeping next to me, he looks so cute when he clings to my waist and his head lying to my chest

But my mind recalls why we are here I tried to move and I find a pillow next to me, I put P's head their and look for my phone to ask for help

Luckily my phone is still in my pocket, I want to get it and make an international call to my sister yet I saw a cctv in front of us

I dont want to endanger my sister's life and my P'Arthit
I roamed inside the room and it looks very spacious its just I dont like white all around like they sent us to a mental institution

And when P'Arthit moves to left, their is a mark of mental institution... did they mistaken us for their patient

"P'Arthit please wake up! P!" but my sleeping beauty decided its good to sleep than to help me worry how we can get out of this institution

After a few tickles finally he grace me his beauty eyes and pouty lips too bad P, I cant pamper you nomyen since we are kidnapped

"Kongpope give me a good reason why did you bother my slumber, you have 3 minutes to make a good nonsense reason and your timer starts now" damn it! his so cute can I just pinch his cheek kiss those loveable lips and mark his as mine

but his not joking when he given me a time limit to explain so I fix my thoughts before telling him that we are kidnapped, without him being hysterical

but what startled me is that he started yelling that his hungry and he wanted pink milk! He said I am unreasonable for banning that to him

He really thought,  today is the good time to make demands yet someone came inside and brings pink milk

what the hell?! What kind of place is this? Can I just demand that I needed my manga's here so I can read it while P is happily reunited with his forever lover nomyen

"Hey! can someone send my manga? I want to read it but you guys think this is the best day to abduct us" and after a minute someone barged inside and handed me Iced coffee

"Hey! I am not asking for this!"

Since I am thirsty from I sipped it in a record of 30  seconds after a few minutes, I feel my world is spinning and my P fall asleep again

shit! what did they slip to our drinks... once again I fell into darkness



The moment I open my eyes, Kongpope is no where to find

did he leave me because of nomyen?! I promise I will divorce it Kongpope!
Funny! I should be serious, Where is this place? I tried to yell and yell

surprisingly two girls came in and decided to order me around saying I should wear this and that so they will still let Kong alive

I followed them without asking questions, in fear of making them snapped whomever decided this kidnapping drama really know us

They knew I love nomyen and Kong cafe yen, after a few minutes they returned back to fetch me

Wearing white tuxedo and holding this bouquet am I thinking what I wasnt suppose to think?

And here I am, walking in the aile while Kongpope 0062 is waiting for me in the altar (So his sister prefer a catholic wedding instead of Japanese wedding)

When I arrived to the aile he happily meet and whisper to my ears

"did you plan this P? I dont know your that in love with me?"

"Kong do you remember were kidnapped together so how can I suppose to plan all of this?"

"By the help of my sister, look those mafia bouncers is sitting next to her row so its oblivious she is the master mind and you are his accomplice so better tell me you are, and I will happily be hitch to you P'Arthit"

"What if, if I say yes?"

I didnt expect he cupped my chin and kissed me without the fucking wedding vows, I do's and kiss the husband part!

"Insatiable couple, sign this and you are free to go" the moment Kong let me go of my flushing cheeks, I took the pen and signed it and he did as well

"You may now go! and spread your sperms!" Did I hear it right? who the hell will talk like that! expect to someone whom I know and the father who administer our wedding is Ai'Bright

So this 100% a fake wedding

"No Arthit, maybe your friend stand in front you as the clown in your candid shotgun marriage but the documents you signed is real and the one beside us is the real father who witnessed your wedding he will affix his signature and you can proceed to California to legally be bonded to each other, unless you didnt want to get married to our Kong.. I pity you Kong really 😂😂"

His older sister teases me, but I dont find it in my heart that I regret signing that documents

before I can respond to her teasing my moon kneel in front of me showing a ring designed in moon crest

"This time we are half away officially married to each other but this is not the wedding I dream off, I want to see you walking in aile with your father who will give you to me, so I what I want to say is I want gain your full happiness by getting your parents blessings and accept our relationship will you accompany me to this mission my Sun? If you are just nodd and this ring will be our promise ring to our next wedding"

I nod at him, as he slip the ring to my ring finger as I responded to his challenge

"Sure but this time I will not lie nor hide anything from you, I will tell you everything can I expect that to you too my moon?"


And Kongpope parents welcomed me to their family, I want Kong to feel the same...
Soon my moon

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