Chapter 32- Sun's parents

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Kong and I decided to meet them when we arrived to my parents house my mother says

"What are you doing here? You got married right? I am disappointed to you Arthit! you choose this guy more than to your parents! who groom you! love unconditionally, support you to all your needs!"

She started crying and I dont know what to do, I want to comfort my mother but what about Kongpope?

Yet he come close to my mae and tell her everything about me which made her stop from weeping, she is trying to hold her laughter but Kong manage to shift her emotions thru humiliating me his husband really?

Should I throw him out our room when we get home?

But my mae asked to Kongpope

"Do you really love my son that much?"

"Yes mae, and I want to do everything to win your blessings.. I want to marry P'Arthit legally with his parents blessings so what should I do to prove my intentions is real and I want nothing more than his love and radiance"

"I want you to return back here tomorrow,  dont bring Arthit with you.. dont look at me like that I am not going to ask him to leave you! You already choose him than us"

"I will khun mae, just trust me P'Arthit" he took my hand and this warm assured me he will win my parent's blessings in no time



His mae set me rules that I should need follow while I am here in their house, she wants me to watch all her son videos and re evaluate my feelings after this #ArthitMarathon

I never expect his mom filmed his son since he was a child, I admired his mae love and dedication to her Oon, P'Arthit is so cute he loves to suck his thumb, he doesnt cry nor do crazy act just to be recognize by the people around him
he just use his cuteness to captivate people

then the next video is P'Arthit confined in the hospital, his mae was so sorry that she didnt expect him to fell out of bed and babies head is so delicate, they tried a lot of test MRI, CT scan 16 and 18 cut, after 3 days he was cleared by doctor yet young Arthit starts snobbing his mae

"Are you blaming your mother P'Arthit? really how cute"

His mae feeds him but he keep on refusing her, for the whole day the stubborn P'Arthit did not eat and waited for his por to feed him before he cried because of poop and pee

"How cute! but until when are you going to ignore your mae P?"

"Over a year, he blamed me for that accident"I didnt expect his mae came in and brought me sandwiches and pitcher of orange juice

"P'Arthit is so stubborn!"

"But you love him right Kongpope? You know he uses to tell me everything but when you came he never told me anything~ tell me about yourself"

"I am Kongpope Suthiluck I met P'Arthit when I was first year in SSU, his my head hazer.. the head hazer who used to target me and you know what Khun Mae I told him that I will make him my wife because he threatened to not acknowledge us as his junior from then I notice how cute is he but everything went upside down, that night I told him that I like him and he started avoiding me I told him my feelings but he didnt reply so even its tough for me I start to avoid him too"

"So how did you win his heart?"

"I dont know how, its just he told me that he wanted to know me more and he kissed me to Rama 8 bridge"

She didnt look disgusted yet she looked like Im doing good at entertaining her

"What is your job now?"

"I inherited my parents company"

"What? your father told me that your family own a small factory and now your telling me a company? What is true ? tell me!"

"Ah yes, its a small factory in our house"

"What is the name of your small factory?"

"Siam Polymer Khun Mae, P'Arthit is working there as of now... his our head in production department"

"Siam Polymer is not a small factory! Its one of the biggest company here in Thailand! My husband tried so many times to get hired from that company but they keep on rejecting his application"

"I see, I'll try to look up on it... Khun Mae can I eat this? I have 24 tapes to watch and I am a little bit hungry seeing your mouthwatering sandwiches"

"Your exaggerating young man, you may eat
I'll return back to my work .. 5pm you can go home or else Oon will think I'm physically hurting his husband" his mae says as she went out of their audio visual room

I ate her sandwiches and it resembles to his cooking like mother like son (rather daughter)

he'll kill me if he learned I have this kinds of  thoughts but I couldnt help

Im head over heels to him



I just arrived from work and it seems the President wants to get rid of me any second she has she instructed me

I need to stop working for a while and convince my husband to return back to his post as CEO

what did my mae did to Kong? Is he okay? I stopped thinking when he just arrived and place nomyen and chicken basil to the table


"I love you so much P'Arthit"

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