Chapter 20- Watching over you

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I know I cant come to see you, I know its my fault yet

I am contented now watching over you
did you have a proper sleep? Why you never smile?

How can I mend your heart when you dont give me a chance to comfort you? to pamper you? my moon

"Until when are you going to stare at me? do you need something from me? You can ask anyone to rely your message to me" Kongpope says as he approach me but there is 10 meters gap away from me

"When will you give me a chance to talk to you Kongpope? Can you give me a chance to explain my side?"

"To explain what? Let me tell you P'Arthit you should be glad I let you see me! Dont be so selfish just rely to this proverb you cant get what you want if you dont pour your all to it? Do you understand? If you do then excuse me I have a lot of things to attend .. I am watching your work do not mess, I trusted you to my production department dont disappoint me"

Then he walk out,  I tried to analyzed his words if I dont pour all? Is this a chance that I've been waiting for?

"Ai'Arthit are you seducing him?"

"What?" I turned to Ai'Toota,  his question doesnt sink until I repeat it

"No way! As if Kong will buy that! Even if I seduce him or do something like that he still hates me! I missed my Kongpope! If only I can return back the time I want to fixed it" I yelled forgetting where I am out of frustration of wanting him by my side

"Then court him! The way he melt your heart! Ai'Arthit.. if you really love him then make him forgive you even its tough since Kongpope a stubborn guy" Ai'Knott said

My friends made me remember how did I notice Kongpope... I remember how pissed I am when he declared he wanted me to be his wife, he told me I am cute, when he wanted to prove to me how good is him

"So by reminiscing, what did Kongpope did when your mad at him?"

"He never leave a day without explaining his self, he event waited for me outside my room, uses his hand to stop my door from closing...  dont tell me I have to do that?... no guys dont look at me like that what I mean is using my hand to prevent the door from closing that is too extreme!"

"But what if..  that is one of your option to come close to him? will you let the chance slip away Ai'Arthit? your wasting too much time...  Its been 3 years.. you should be happily wedded to him, wishing for a heir of his company not a miserable sun" Ai'Bright reason out...

His right, I should have do whatever it takes to get my Moon back

So I am starting by tomorrow... let's start by seducing you Mr. Suthiluck


Next day

Even I am not let to walk in inside the CEO office, I enter in..   I wear my corporate attire its just the polo inside... there is 3 unbotton where you can have a tour in my chest... 

The moment I come close to him, he stared up to me too stunned to see my white milky chest, he gulped before he rose up and button my shirt and glared at me like I sell his company with his consent

"What are you doing here? Do you need to relay any message to me? I dont have all the time of the day to wait for you to speak..." Kongpope scolded me, in his eyes I do not see the sparkle like he used to throw to me when I wanted his attention

"Ah! message yes! I am here to tell you that I will win your heart! so dont dare to entertain another prospective boyfriend because the sun needs to tame his stubborn moon"

After I declared that I left ice coffee to his table, peck a kiss to his cheek and happily leave his office

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