Chapter 24- Capturing the Moon

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I keep on sending cheesy message, I dont know what possessed me its just I am copying from the master itself

His a good teacher of being cheesy by the way

To my moon,

Love is a four letter word and sorry is five, but when they walk hand in hand, they make a relationship shine

Loving Yours,
Your Sun

Okay one done, two more to go...

To My Moon,

The Genie Granted me one wish. I asked for world peace. "No" he said. I asked for your forgiveness. He said he he'd try world peace

Please forgive me let's start a new?

Loving Yours,
Your Sun

Okay last letter... You can do it Arthit

To My Moon

You are the kindest person I have met
Forgive this fool who cant live without you

Loving Yours,
Your Sun

Okay I am done let's get back to work! wtf! My friends was laughing so hard! Oh my! can I just kill myself! What have you done to me 0062!

"I dont know Ai'Arthit your that madly crazy in love with 0062? Who cant live without you oh! shit! Ai'Toota... let's go and find the real Arthit this guy in front of us is a doppelganger! Maybe Kongpope doppelganger , My Friend who is a former head hazer is grumpy who loves to drink nomyen but when we started working here we never ever saw him drinking his favorite drink.. or just in a secret delivery?"

"Shut up Ai'Bright! I am not anyone's doppelganger okay?! Go away! or I'll fired you all!" I used my hazer voice, they comply abruptly but still they dont stop reciting that part I cant live without you part shit!

I need to give it to that Moon or else someone might read it again and another teasing season might happen again 😂😂


When I located my moon, his handsome face looks like stressed out, his not walking straight he keep on wiggling... I keep on following him until he lost his balance, I immediately run and scope my moon

"Kongpope! Kongpope! Are you okay? Do you want me to bring you to hospital?" I yelled at him, I know his eye lids is falling... I dont want him to lost his consciousness so I keep on blaring until he respond

"Can you bring me to my car P'Arthit? I just want to go home and sleep" My moon begs, of course I will bring him home... I dont trust him that he can safely go home with his current state now

I asked him where is his car key and he give me all his key, I called Ice to help me to find his car because I dont know where he parked it, the color of his car and brand... I cant prolong his suffering here, he needs a bed rest and quick check up

When Ice arrived he guided me to his car and asked me to take care of him as he will drive for us



When I open my eyes, I am lying in my bed and no one is there? As far as I remember P'Arthit is with me

Or Maybe its my imagination

P'Arthit doesnt care for me, he never visited me in the past even he helps me to be brought to the hospital

I wonder where is he now? what is he doing? Is he going to play with my feelings again?

I close my mind and remember our past, I want in my dreams to be with him again, Like when his grumpy I will just pamper him with nom yen and he will forgive me


"Kong wake up! You need to eat! I already prepared you a porridge and your ice coffee.. sorry it took long Kong.. I dont know where you hide your utensils in your house... what do you expect to a neat freak like you" That's it his starting to rant at me, this is one of his traits that I love so much

"Thank you P'Arthit"

After I took porridge in the bowl, I watch over him and his busying himself touching my gundam collection, my pictures and my awards

Isnt this a deja vu?

"Dont stare at my picture too much, it will melt P!" I tried to tease him and he glared at me as he instructed to finish my meals and shut up!

5555 who's becoming bossy here? Okay fine! I admit I enjoy it when my Sun decided to cut off my reign

Since I am not allowed to speak not unless I finish my meal, I roam inside my room and I notice beside my ice coffee there is an envelope addressed to me, I open it and I cant stop my heart from thumping...

Your good at capturing my heart My Sun

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