The End

882 18 36

Lloyd's POV

It's been a week since Lysa was buried. I've barely eaten and slept since then. Our little joys now bring sorrow every time we use them. Cole barely listens to music, Nya hasn't taken her pocket sword out from it's box (yes that's a thing), Jay barely speaks about Lysa, Zane tears up when he sees his falcon, Kai hasn't been as much of a hot head, and I've barely spoke period. If I did speak, then it's little answers, nod, or shake my head; sometimes I even write what I want to say.... I'm slowly forgetting what my voice sounds like now a days....

"Hey, Lloyd?" said a voice. I turned around to see Clouse. He was holding Chen's hand and he was holding a small box in his other hand. "I'm very sorry for your loss...."

I nodded.

"Listen.... I... I never really wanted to hurt you during freshman year... but everyone thought you were evil and I was dealing with my parents since I told them the day before that I'm gay.... I'm sorry for all those years of bullying you and your friends.... Especially Lysa...." I blinked back my tears. "We want you to have this as a small token of our sorrow and to pay tribute to her" he said as he handed me the small box. I nodded and waved good bye to them as we parted ways. Lunch was seventh period for us making the next period our final period. I sat at my usual spot for eighth period as everyone else came in. I decided to open the box to see what I'll be adding to Lysa's grave.

Inside were two rings. One ring represented life, since everyone now knows that I'm the Life Ninja while my friends make up the rest of the Secret Ninja Force, while the other represented death. They must of meant to give the rings to the both of us before she passed away I bet; but now it's too late to give her anything to wear.... If anyone deserves a second chance in life, it's our little angel Lysa....

"Okay class" said our English teacher. "I know you all miss Lysa Love, which is why I've prepared an assignment based off of her. We will be writing letters to put on her grave. If anyone would like to share what they wrote before we deliver the letters to Lysa, feel free to share them. I'll have tissues just in case tears are shed."

The whole class period was spent working on letters for Lysa. I don't know about everyone else, but I want to read mine before we go to Lysa's grave.

*time skip*

"Good afternoon class" said our English teacher. "Today's the day we walk to Lysa's grave. Before we go, would anyone like to share what they wrote?"

My friends each stood up. I joined them too. They each tried to keep a straight face and stay calm as they read what they wrote, but there were still tears that escaped their eyes and sniffles that were heard here and there. I was the last one to read my letter. I tried my best to keep my cool, but not even the mighty Life Ninja can stay calm when he lost his soulmate.

"Dear Lysa,

The past four years were the best years of our lives. You made us laugh. You made us cry. You made us afraid for you. You made us afraid OF you." I got a few chuckles out of that one. "You made us smile. You made us frown, but most importantly, you made us happy. I've never felt so happy to be myself before you came into my life. I know our friends would say the same thing in their letters, but I want to say more. Ever since I stopped you from committing suicide on April 4th, 2015, I couldn't get my mind off of you. I wanted to always be by your side not because I wanted to make sure you didn't try to kill yourself with a knife, but because you made me feel happy. Never have I ever wanted to harm Clouse, but when I found out that he over did what I payed him to do, I wanted to kill him right on the spot. Before you showed up as Fear, I kicked him in the balls as the 'Green Ninja' and yelled at him while I beated him up. Thankfully he woke up five minutes before you arrived so he can see why I was pissed off at him for not only cutting your beautiful skin, but ruining your beautiful chocolate brown hair that reminded me of actual chocolate when all he was supposed to do was insult you. I hated myself for paying him to even look at you wrong, but I payed him so I could protect you from the bad guy. You were always there for me when I needed it the most. Not the Green Ninja, or now known as the Life Ninja, not the next worst person in Ninjago, me, Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon. Your brother told me that you would pray that the Green Ninja would do something for me since everyone listened to him, but you didn't know that we were the same person until you dragged me out of school all the way to No Man's Land to you. You will always be the first person outside of our friends and family to know who I am. You will always be my queen even if your father killed you. As hard as I tried to get you back, I'm sorry that I couldn't bring you bck from the dead. I'm proud to say that your people are getting along well with the people from Ninjago City, but they miss you a lot. If you're not a ghost, I hope you're an angel and that you spend time with your mom and brother since I saw him go to heaven after he sent your father to hell. For his sake and ours, I hope he's buring as I write this and that you, your mom, and brother are looking down at us from heaven and live a wonderful life there. We all will miss you, Lysa.... We love you to pieces....

Love, Lloyd

P.S. If you were to ask me to marry you, I would of grabbed a priest and have us get married right on the spot."

Everyone was silent minus the sniffles here and there. We all went to Lysa's grave quietly as soon as we placed our letters in envelopes. When we got there, the grave was dug up and the coffin was empty. Someone stole Lysa's body....

My friends and I got in our ninja suits and spread out to find her body to place it back where it belongs, but none of us found her no matter where or how hard we looked.... Lysa's body was nowhere to be seen.... We regrouped with our class and placed the letters inside the coffin. I placed her half of our ring inside the coffin too. We closed the coffin and burried it as a skeleton came by.

"What's going on?" he asked. Our teacher explained that we were paying or respects to Lysa, but her body was stolen. He nodded and left us. I wonder where he's going.

*time skip to that night*

Mom made dinner while dad tucked me in my bed. I know it seems childish, but it makes me feel better since... you know....


"Yes, Luh-Lloyd?" I chuckled at our inside joke.

"Did you know the Loves before they passed?"

"I remember Lysa's mother. She was a good friend of mine even if she had a skeleton family. Literally. Her father on the other hand was down right evil. He was the one who showed me that being bad was rather fun. I'm glad you freed me from his lies."

"I'm glad too. I wish Lysa was still here...."

"You're not the only one, son. You're not the only one.... Goodnight, Lloyd."

"Goodnight dad."

He turned off the lights and closed the door. I layed in my bed trying to fall asleep whrn the window opened. A silhouette flew through and sat on my bed with its Xenomorph like tail and toxic fairy wings. The silhouette held my hand as it got on top of me and whispered something into my ear.

"Thanks for saving me, Green Bean~"

I couldn't hold myself back from having a rather heated make out session with my soulmate. My Little Angel. My Lysa Love~

*mega time skip cuz I frickin said so*

I was in the middle of a pleasent dream when something bounced on top of me.

"Daddy! Daddy! Wake up! Wake up!" said my little girl, Aya. "I made a flower bloom on my head!"

I opened my eyes to see my little brown haired green eyes princess with a green trumpet daffodil holding her hair in a pony tail. She's growing up so fast.

Her little brother crawled up with a small box in his hands as Lysa got up. He opened the box and out came a skeleton cat meowing. Our blonde son, Derrick, may be deaf, but he's excellent at bring the dead back to life just like his mother.  He signed to Lysa how he found the cat and how he brought it back to life. Lysa hugged him with all the love in the world. I brought them and our daughter close as the sun rose from the East. It may be a new day, but I never want to let go of my little portion of heaven.

The End

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