Secrets Endangered

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The day went by as usual. People stared, whispers about us were heard, etcetera and etcetra. Only difference was what I did today.

Apparently, Chen isn't the only yelleader in the chear squad. Clouse is Chen's bff-and only male friend. They've been best friends since they were kids and Clouse was the only one who knew Chen was gay until recently. I don't anything else about him, except for the fact that he's too deep into the marked road to even try to get out. I bring this up because he's been bullying me SINCE freshmen year despite Fear's warnings.

Today, he pulled my hair and cut my ponytail making my hair shorter [like the picture above]. He also scratched my face and called me ugly, useless, and what not. I turned around and bashed his head against the lockers. He fell to the floor unconscious. I didn't mean to knock him out, but it was well deserved and worth the detention and three day suspicion I received. Lloyd was angry to hear what Clouse did, but even I was shocked at what happened next.

He got the Green Ninja to lecture Clouse as soon as he woke up. I still don't understand why or how Lloyd did it, but I don't think Clouse will harm me ever again. I think I'll check up on him tonight.

*night fall*

I flew into his room to find him covered in his blanket. I uncovered him only to find something even scarier than what I thought I would see. The silver ninja was in the bed.

"Gotcha" she said. Time to go.

I tried to fly out of the room, but the black ninja caught me and held me down.

"No, no, no! You're not going anywhere!" he said as Clouse came out of the closet.... A cut out of Chen was IN the closet.... Oh I have to tell Chen this tomorrow if I make it out of this alive. [See what I did there?]

The other ninja came out of hiding with an accomplished look on their masked faces, but the Green Ninja's face was filled with shock. What's with him?

"Thanks, Clouse" he said. "I'll make sure Lloyd gives you the twenty buck tomorrow."

"Lloyd payed Clouse to do what?"

"Get you in the trap."

"But what did Lloyd-"

"That's not im-"

"It is to me, dammit! I care a lot for Lloyd and my friends! If anything bad were to happen to them, I wouldn't live with myself!"

" to explain?"

"Swear never to tell?" They all swore never to tell a single soul. No pun intended on my end. I took off my mask.

"Lysa!?" cried out the red ninja.

"But how?! Lysa Love is the kindest girl in my database!" I knew the white ninja was a robot! "This does not compute!" he said before his eye twitched and he flickered.

"I would of never have guessed" said the blue ninja. The black and silver ninjas agreed. The Green Ninja went wide eyed. He got to his knees and sat on the floor. I wonder why....


Lloyd couldn't believe what he saw. It all made sense to him now. Everytime simeone did something to him or his friends, Fear would get to them in the night. He knew there was a pattern, but he never knew that everytime he told Lysa about his day before he fell asleep, she'd dress up as "Fear the Beast" and teach the bullys a lesson. He never thought that Fear and Lysa were the same person and that he kissed Fear AND Lysa during their sophomore year. He never thought the new villain of Ninjago City was his crush he saved almost four years ago.


"Why..." he asked after a long period of silence. "Why are you scaring people?" He sounded hurt.

"My brother always said, karma's a bitch" I replied. "He's right you know. I like being karma. Karma's a real bitch at times" I say while giggling. I think I'm finally loosing it.

"But you don't have to do this. You can always tell your parents-"

"They're dead too~ Hehehe~"

"What?" asked the blue ninja.

"My mommy, daddy, and brother died on my 15th birthday~ I never got a chance to say good bye to them before they were murdered~ Hahaha~"

"Why are you laughing at a time like this?" asked the red ninja.

"Because big brother Morro's right behind you~"

He turned around for Morro to fly through him and tackle me with a hug.

"I made sure Clouse will never harm you again, sister."

"What did you do, MoMo?~ Was blood shed?~"

"No. But he cried until his eyes were blood shot red."

"Hehehe~ Let's go, MoMo."

He nodded as he used his wind powers to move the ninja aside so I can fly out and go home.


Lloyd tried to catch her, but Lysa got away from all of them. He was still shell shocked about Lysa being Fear. He cried as soon as she was out of his sight. All he wanted was to be happy and not worry about bad guys. He swore to defeat Fear, but he never knew that he already was in control of her in a way. He now realized that all Lysa and Fear wanted to do was protect the people they loved however they can even if how they did said task was wrong. It was the same goal he had for Lysa. He wanted her to be safe from harm, but he never thought he'd have to face her... to protect her....

As he and the rest of the ninja went back to their hide out, Lloyd couldn't help, but question why. Why did she do this? Why are skeletons working for her? Why did she do what she did for the past three years? His questions were answer as soon as his uncle heard about Lysa's abilities.

Lysa Love is the master of death.

The dead obeys her and her alone. Ghosts can be seen by her all the time, but can never possess her. She can make a perfectly healthy plant die in a moment. It's rare to cross paths with a master of death since they usually die before they're 15. The only reason why there is one now is because of Lloyd. Wu kept it a secret to protect him until now. Lloyd's power is the color green, but it's because green is the color of life. Lloyd can make a plant grown from its seed in the palm of his hand, move the ground with his mind, control the winds, waters, and so on. Lloyd's powers is everything about life. He's also Lysa's opposite. Whatever he brings to life, she can destroy it. Life and death were never friends. They've been at eachother's throughts ever since the beginning of time, but now the tables have turned. The masters if life and death have fallen for eachother and death is losing her mind.


The skeletons were waiting for me at the castle West of the city. Yes. I have a castle. It's made out of deadwood. Wood as thick as bones painted withered white. The same color as bones. The skeleton army guards it in my honor. The West is near No Man's Land. Many people have passed here since there's barely any food or water here. The skeleton army made sure I can live here in No Man's Land. This is my castle, I am the queen of the dead, and I want Lloyd to be my king.

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