Chapter Ten: Awkward Meetings

Start from the beginning

Elena tried to ignore Ewan's obvious wondering eye, she had no idea what Bouchra could see in a man like that and she was sure that the woman had made a big mistake if he was checking other women out. 

Robin didn't take long to return, he set the drinks down in front of everyone before he sat down next to Elena; he could tell that Bouchra wasn't happy about any of this and he didn't care. 

"So how is work Bouchra?" Robin asked politely as he took Elena's hand, his ex-wife glared at his new one as she started to talk about all the work that she had done over the last month. 

Robin smiled and nodded along as he held Elena close, occasionally he would rub his thumb against her wrist or smile at her; he couldn't believe some days how lucky he had been to find her. 

"Come on, we have plans remember," Ewan interrupted making Bouchra look at him, she stared at him annoyed as she wondered what he was up to; she had been happy to have Robin's attention even if he was fawning all over his new wife.

Bouchra had told him that she didn't trust Robin's new wife, she didn't believe the stories that the papers were telling and what she had heard from Robin. 

"So what are your plans?" Elena asked politely making Bouchra glare at her, the Moroccan-Dutch didn't trust the doctor's receptionist; she was using Robin and she knew that this wasn't going to end well. 

Bouchra wondered if Robin had even considered their two children when he had married the receptionist; he was going to ruin his life and she was glad she had walked away when she had. 

"We're going to see Ghost the Musical and have dinner," Ewan replied staring at Elena, who shifted uncomfortable at the attention that he was giving her; there was something about him didn't seem right and unsettled her.

Bouchra pursed her lips watching her ex-husband, there was something different about Robin and she hadn't seen him like this before; she didn't like how happy he seemed about a woman that she barely knew. 

"Well we wouldn't want to keep you," Robin insisted making Elena nod, between the creepy stares from Ewan and the glares from Bouchra this was getting a little to awkward for her and she didn't want them lingering for too long. 

Ewan agreed however Robin watched his ex-wife for a moment, it was clear that she wanted to talk to him and he had no doubts about what it was about; she hadn't looked happy since she had stepped into the house and saw Elena. 

"Why don't you walk Ewan out, I need to speak with Bouchra for a moment," Robin murmured to his wife making Elena stare at him for a moment before she nodded and led Ewan from the room. 

Bouchra crossed her arms as she stared at her ex-husband however she frowned when she saw the look on his face, she had a feeling that his little whore had told him about her note. 

"I don't know what you were thinking but don't you dare ever leave threating notes for Elena again," Robin spat making her stare at him shocked at how he was speaking to her, he had never talked to her like that and she didn't like it. 

Robin pulled the note from his pocket making Bouchra swallow as she stared at the note but she shook her head, she wasn't going to apologise for trying to warn Elena off; she doubted that the couple would even be staying married. 

Bouchra was sure that they would be divorced in less than a year with Elena getting a large pay-out.

"I don't trust her, I had every mind to stop the children coming this weekend but Ewan and I have plans," Bouchra replied crossing her arms, she didn't want her children around Robin's latest fling; she was sure that they would only get hurt and there was no doubt about that. 

Robin stared at her furiously, they both had joint custody of the two children, and it was something they had agreed on so that they wouldn't use the children as weapons against one another. 

Bouchra sighed as she approached Robin, she didn't want to do this and she knew how much he loved their children but it was the only way that she could control him; she got quite a bit of money for having his children once they had gotten divorced. 

"When I come to pick the children up on Monday, I want her gone for good or I'll file for full custody," Bouchra threatened making Robin stare at her, she knew that she would win since she was their mother; she would do anything to get Robin back in line again. 

Robin couldn't believe what he was hearing, he couldn't believe she was blackmailing him into leaving Elena; he cared about the brunette, she was his wife and he wasn't going to deny that he had feelings for her. 

Bouchra smirked as she turned on her heel again, she knew that there was no way Robin would risk losing the children for the nobody that he had married.


Elena shifted nervously as Ewan stared at her, he smirked before he moved towards her making the brunette stare at him; she didn't know what Robin was doing but she hoped that he would be finished with Bouchra soon. 

"Maybe we should do lunch sometime, just the two of us," Ewan suggested making Elena look at him; she didn't trust this man one bit, she didn't know how Robin allowed his children to be around him. 

Elena didn't know much about Ewan but she knew that there was something dangerous about him, she had no idea what was going to happen if Robin didn't come out soon. 

"I don't think so," Elena murmured crossing her arms, Ewan chuckled as he back her into a wall and trapped her there; he brushed his lips against her cheek, he couldn't believe what good taste in women Robin had. 

Elena squeaked in fright, she didn't like this and she was actually scared of what Ewan might do if they were left alone; she was never going to let herself be put in this situation again. 

"I'm much better than Robin, ask Bouchra," Ewan breathed as Elena tried to push him away from her with little success, she didn't like this one bit and now he was scaring her. 

Ewan chuckled under his breath as he pressed himself up against Elena, she was a very beautiful woman and he wouldn't mind ruining her so that Robin would never touch her again.

"Get the hell away from my wife Ewan," Robin snarled making the pale man raise his arms and back away from Elena, who sighed in relief; Bouchra walked to her car ignoring what her fiancé had been doing to the brunette. 

Robin glared at Ewan, it was bad enough he had slept with one of his wives; he wasn't about to let him hurt Elena, he would never forgive himself if he did. 

"Just showing her what a real man felt like," Ewan called making Robin frown as Bouchra laughed as she looked at her ex-husband; she smirked before getting into the car. 

Robin clenched his fist, he couldn't believe he had trusted that man or his former wife; they had both betrayed him in the worst possible way.

Elena took Robin's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze as they watched Ewan get into the car, before he and Bouchra left the couple behind; she doubted that this was going to get any better.


Author's Note: 

Bouchra's Note: I know who you are and you'll never be good enough for him. Watch out because you never know what might happen if you aren't careful

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