Chapter 10~Escape

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Ahmed's POV.

I slowly tried to open my eyes, tossing around in my bed but can't due to the light flashing in my eyes.

I tried to get up not succeeding at first.

I feel all dizzy and my head is hurting so bad. I looked around me and realized I had the same outfit as yesterday.

My stomach starts to turn around and I suddenly feel like throwing up.

I quickly got up with the energy left and ran to the bathroom holding my stomach.

Once I was done emptying my stomach I took a look around and then at myself in my mirror seeing my messy state. Is that lipstick mark on my neck?

I took a look at my arm that was tied up with a scarf. I unfolded the fabric revealing a wound. I can't even remember having hurt myself?

I smelled it and immediately knew who it belonged to. Without even even changing or cleaning up, I grabbed my leather jacket from yesterday that was on my bed and ran out of my room with the same question that keeps running in my mind since I woke up.

What happened last night?


Fanaa's POV.

It's officially the last time I'm ever going to a stupid party.

How could I be so dumb in the first place to go there and come back with a confused and mad heart?

This is it. I'm not talking to Ahmed anymore. What he did last night was just...just too much for me to take in.

How dare he try to kiss me!? In front of this many people on top of that?!

And not just that, he got drunk and even hurt himself. The situation could've gotten worst if I wasn't there to protect him from his crazy girlfriend.

Whatever happened was way out of line. I mean just look at me, I was the one who want it to take some distance from him and I myself ended up helping him.

I couldn't help but feel extreme jealousy at the sight of his girlfriend getting all over him.

I feel so stupid. However my feelings are the most confusing one.

Today, I obviously can't avoid school but I'm going to be hiding myself from this crazy hulk and his girlfriend obviously.

I'm wearing all black. Black hoodie, jeans, shoes, hijab and not to forget black hat with a pair of black sunglasses.

It may be a bit too much but I absolutely cannot become the center of attention.

Ahmed will never recognize me and I would be able to live my life in peace even though I look like a total spy in this outfit.

I got to school as I couldn't believe that my plan was actually working out well. I saw him many times and he was looking like a total mess but since he didn't recognize me, he just passed by me.

I walked through the corridors like a spy. I kept looking behind me non stop. I arrived at my locker and quickly opened it up to grab my stuff.

Once I was done, I turned around making my way to my class when I bumped into something hard. Loosing my balance, I was on the verge of falling when a strong arm wrapped around my waist.

Shit. AHMED!!!

"Be careful Fanaa I searched for you for more than an hour where were you?" he asked his arm still around me.

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