Chapter 2~Hazel blue eyes

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Fanaa's POV.

Today, I felt like eating a giant plate of biryani.

Yeah, that's the first thing that came to my mind this morning.

Thanks to Allah that ammi accepted to make some for dinner.

My ammi's biryani leaves me craving for more all the time. That's how good it is.

Once I'm done getting ready for the day, I decided to put on my black oversized jeans and this time a pink hoodie. I can be girly sometimes.

I got down stairs in the kitchen for the morning speech !


I'm currently in class and seriously I think I will die of boredom. I need to move from this place.

So, I have two choices.

One, I can pretend like I'm about to throw up.

Two, I can pretend that my period are coming.

Mmh...number two always wins.

I got up of my chair and went to see my history teacher miss Daniela.

"excuse me miss Daniela" I interrupted.

She looked up from the book she was reading with a smile.

"yes my child, what can I help you with?"she asked.

"um it's just that I think I have my..." I said holding my stomach trying to make her understand.

"oh I see you can go" she understood immediately.

"thank you" I said getting out of the class.

Yes! I'm finally free!

I made my way to the bathroom to fix my hijab.

Then, I took a walk around and checked in which classes my cousins or friends were.

It's been about five minutes that I've been wasting my time. I should probably go back in class or else I'll be in trouble.

I was on my way back to class lost in my thoughts when I bumped into something really hard which made me fall on the floor with papers falling all over me.

Ouch my butt!

I looked up and saw a random guy I have never seen before.

He looked really serious and angry so I just quickly picked up his papers that were on the floor.

All he did was stare at me.

Wow! Thanks for at least asking if I wasn't hurt or something!

Once I was done picking them up I got up and gave it to him.

"sorry I was lost in my thoughts I didn't see you coming" I apologized even if I didn't feel like it.

He looked lost but he kept looking into my eyes.

He didn't seem to be on this earth. I snapped my fingers on his face.

"uh thanks what's your name?" he suddenly asked.

Good thing he can talk.

"I'm Fanaa! And you?" I asked.

I'm really nice and social with everyone around me, even strangers. I know I'm dumb.

"I'm Ahmed" he said.

"nice to meet you! I'll get going now !" I said realizing that I was getting late. Miss Daniela will start suspecting me if I don't get to class right away !

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