Chapter 16

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Jungkook's POV

She had to be wrong. She had to be. Mina loved me... I gave her everything! We had been together for a year, she knew everything about me and I.... I knew about her life somewhat. Why hadn't I realized sooner that I barely knew anything about her? I had never been to her house, she had always come to mine, and I'd only met her mother, not her father. I could feel my blood boiling as I ran up the stairs and to my room. I slammed the door and picked my phone up from the nightstand and clicked on Mina's name. It rang a few times before her voice drifted through the receiver.

"Morning Kookie, what do you want?" she snapped. I see she was still pissed about our conversation yesterday but she was about to get even more angry.

"I want to know why the hell you've been sleeping with Min-Sung behind my back," I spat. Her voice hitched on the other side. She was surprised. It took a few moments before she answered.

"Who told you?" she stammered.

"So, it's true?" I implored. She sighed.

"Yes... but it's not what you think Kookie! I love you! It was a mistake, I swear," she pleaded. I laughed at her.

"Was it a mistake when you sent your daddy's hitmen after me?" I questioned. Her entire demeanor changed. I heard a dark chuckle coming from the other line.

"Oh Jungkook, I see. You are with Dallas. Well, those men weren't specifically for you but I guess it doesn't matter. So, she figured me out. She's smarter than I presumed," Mina retorted.

"Why Mina? Why did you lie to me? Why did you date me? Did you ever really love me?" Silence... then laughter. Loud, maniacal laughter.

"Oh Jungkook, of course I didn't love you. I need information about your father, which I didn't get by the way. I was so peeved this week when you spoiled all my plans for us to hangout because I was planning on snooping around but now that you know I'll just have to refigure my plans," she confessed. My heart sank. She didn't love me. She never did. She wanted me for information. I was so stupid. "Too bad you're under Yang's protection though, that just makes it harder for me," she added. What?

"What? What do you mean?" I asked her quietly. Another cackle.

"You don't know?! You're on Boss Yang's 'no kill' list! Because of that it's making it damn near impossible for daddy's men to get to you, especially since you're suddenly infatuated with her," she answered.

"I'm on the no kill list? But why?!" She scoffed at me from the other line.

"Isn't it obvious? You two have feelings for each other," she said in a matter-of-fact way. It was my turn to laugh.

"Yeah, okay Mina, you keep telling yourself that!" Somewhere in my heart though, I couldn't deny what she said. I was physically attracted to Dallas for sure. She was sexy in more ways than one, but when Mina told me Dallas added me to her father's "no kill" list something inside was making my heart hammer like crazy.

"Don't be naïve Kookie, you know you're in love with her. You'd have to be an idiot not to see it. But that's fine, keep denying it, we're still breaking up," she told me. "You know Kook, we could've been pretty great if you would've just kept your nose where it belonged. You will regret ever thinking you could go against me and my father," she warned. That fueled my hate fire.

"I regrets a lot of things Mina, dating you and having this conversation are on the top of my list," I spat and then I hung up without another word. I sat back on my bed and let that conversation run through my head a few more times. I was NOT in love with Dallas. Yeah, I had imagined her and I in not so appropriate situations several times, but that was normal. I was a teenage boy for goodness sake! As if on cue there was a small knock on the door and before I could say anything it opened and Dallas walked in. She had changed into a tight tank top and tight shorts. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked up to see her sending me a pitying glance.

"Hey, I just wanted to tell you I was going to the gym down in the basement if you needed me," she mumbled. I nodded silently and she turned to walk out but stopped herself and turned back to me biting her lip. Torture. "I'm really sorry Kookie, if you want to talk I'll be down there for awhile but I completely understand if you want to be alone right now," she added and then she was gone. I know I should be sad about Mina and the whole situation but all I could focus on was how Dallas' butt looked in those shorts. Stupid hormones.


Ohhhh sheeeeeet Kookie is getting all hormonal and angsty! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. Leave me some feedback!

-EDITING- Daughter of the Mob / Jeon JungkookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ