Chapter 5

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Jungkook's POV

When I got home I walked straight up to my room and flung myself onto my bed. I heard my phone go off in my backpack so I sat up to grab it. Crap, 16 text messages from Mina all along the lines of 'hey we had a date where are you asshole?'... fantastic. I forgot about my date with Mina and she was pissed. Just then my phone rang. Mina...


"Hello?! I've been trying to get ahold of you for hours because you stood me up and all you have to say is hello?!" she screeched. Jesus she was mad.

"Listen babe, I'm so sorry I totally forgot! My, uh, dad needed help on something. I will make it up to you I promise!" I pleaded. I heard her sigh on the other line.

"Tomorrow, 5 o'clock. If you are late or stand me up again there will be hell to pay Jungkook," she threatened and then hung up. I threw my phone across the room and ran my hands threw my hair. I can't believe I forgot. This was our one-year anniversary and I ditched her to go follow Dallas. I drove around all night trying to find her and I ended up with nothing. It was so frustrating.

If Mina knew what I had really been doing she'd probably break up with me. She gets so mad when I mention anything about Dallas. She says I'm obsessed with her. I'm not though. I've known Dallas since I was a young child and I've hated her family just as long. I guess you could say I have taken a strong personal interest in it since my father has made it his personal goal to arrest her father. It's always been my dream to help my father make the arrest. I will succeed.

Dallas' POV

When I arrived home my father was waiting for me at the door. The security gate closed behind my bike as I drove up and parked. His hands were folded behind his back and his suit looked pristine as usual. To anyone on the outside it would just look like a father welcoming his daughter home from a long day of school but to me it was the most powerful mob boss in Seoul waiting for his flunky to tell him whether they failed or succeeded. I hopped off my bike and he turned on his heel and motioned for me to follow bringing the brief cases with me.

We walked up two flights of stairs to his study. The door closed behind me and he motioned for me to sit. I set the briefcases down on his desk and sat silently. He opened each and thumbed through all the money stack by stack. It was silent except for the sound of paper flipping for a good 30 minutes until he shut the lids and sat down. He looked me dead in the eye with zero emotion. I could feel sweat starting to trickle down my spine. These were the moments I hated the most.

"You did well Dallas. I heard from my men that you handled it like a pro, fastest trade deal they've ever seen. I'm proud," he informed me. I let out a breath I didn't know I'd been holding. I smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, sir. I wanted to bring honor to our name and I hope I did just that," I bowed slightly from my chair. He smiled and swiveled toward his computer pulling up his email. That signaled that he was done and I should leave. I stood and bowed again. "Good night father," I said quietly. I almost reached the door when I heard him clear his throat. I turned to see him motion toward one of the briefcases.

"Don't forget this," he said. I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"I'm sorry, I'll put these in the safe for you," I replied but he stood up and handed me just one of the briefcases.

"No, this one is yours. A reward for a job well done," he smiled. I was stunned. Not only did my father not hand out rewards, he also never smiled. I took it carefully from his hand.

"Thank you father, thank you so much," I whispered. His smile grew slightly.

"Also, take the next few days off. Go out with a friend or something. I know I've been keeping you away from socialization," he told me. Stunned didn't even describe what I was at that moment. I bowed again in thanks and then practically ran out and to my room. I looked through the briefcase and gawked at the sheer amount of money that was inside. Did my father just split $700,000 with me?!


-EDITING- Daughter of the Mob / Jeon JungkookKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat