Chapter 1

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Dallas' POV

I gripped the edge of the sink until my knuckles were stark white and looked into the mirror at my reflection. A pair of dark, lifeless eyes stared back at me, ones I was starting to get used to seeing. Eyes that screamed for an escape from this life I was leading, maybe even death if it was necessary. It was really hard to care about living when all you saw every day was death and destruction.

This was my future though and no matter how I felt I had to prepare for it. I hoped one day I would be able to wake up and look at myself without having to swallow back bile and guilt. I didn't want to let father down, I also didn't want to lose myself in the process. I didn't want to become a villain.

A shrill beeping brought me out of my bathroom and into my bedroom. I sighed deeply as I snatched my phone up from my bedside table and turned off my alarm. I had to leave for school soon or I was going to be late... again. I quickly grabbed my bag sitting by my bedroom door and rushed downstairs.

Our house was large, but never quiet. Every corner was occupied by my father's flunkies. Some people didn't think it was very smart to keep your personal life and your private life all mixed up together like he did, but he never liked to follow normal standards. This caused our house to become a hub of activity every single day. It was chaotic. Today was no different.

I ran down the stairs and passed probably 20 different men. They didn't spare me any glances though, this was a usual routine of mine. Always running so I wasn't late. I sprinted out the front door and to my beautiful motorcycle I had parked outside. It wasn't my typical mode of transportation but my other baby was in the shop getting worked on so today I'd be riding what I've affectionately called "The Beast."

I straddled the bike and slipped my helmet over my head before making sure my backpack was securely strapped onto my back and starting the engine up. I revved it a few times before toeing the kickstand up and speeding off down our gravel driveway.

I didn't live too far from the school so I should make it on time. I hated being late to my first class. I didn't want to miss any time with him.

The him I'm referring to is Jungkook. Action bod hottie with a temper to match and a cute bunny smile. He and I have always been in the same class since we were little and I have always had a crush on him. When we were really small he noticed some boys picking on me and stood up for me. When they walked off he wiped my little tears away and told me to never let anyone talk to me like I was dirt because I wasn't. That may be the last time he's ever said anything nice to me though.

The thing about Jungkook though is that his father is the chief of police which makes it 100 times harder for me to get his affections because of my father's business. Let's just say my father's business isn't exactly legal. Jungkook knew about it, of course, which means he's harbored an undying hate for me for years, something that really throws off my game because he just tends to hate me even more when I flirt with him.

I didn't care though. Nothing was going to deter me from trying to win over Jungkook. Being around him just always seemed to calm the negative voices in my head. Even though he was usually harsh towards me, I always felt warmth in my chest when he was around. I knew it was far fetched for me to actually gain his attention, but I was a dreamer.

Another thing I enjoyed was pushing his buttons because damn was I good at it. Besides flirting I loved to gloat. His father had been chasing mine for years and he wasn't getting any closer to catching him and I knew that just pissed Jungkook off. It made my entire day to rub it in a little. It helped knock him off his self-made pedestal a little bit.

Pulling into the parking lot of the school I spotted Jungkook immediately. His normal group of friends were around him and behind them were their fan girls. Everywhere they went they were trailed by girls. They were always the talk of the school, which wasn't shocking because they were all as handsome as I'll get out.

I slid my helmet off and hopped off my bike. I walked past Jungkook and his friends with a huge ass grin on my face. All of their eyes sent daggers my way which just caused me to smile wider. I sent them all a little wave and wink before heading to drop my helmet off at my locker and then walking to my first class.

The desks were long enough to sit two people. I slid into my assigned seat and laid my head on my arms. I listened to the idle chatter of my classmates. This was my normal routine. No one really talked to me. Most people had an understanding of what my father did, though they never asked and I never told, but they tended to be afraid to get close to me. That was okay with me though, it's not like I had oodles of time to dedicate to other people when my father expected me to take over his business. I didn't get to choose my friends anymore. It wasn't fair, but nothing in life was ever fair.

Jungkook and two of his best friends Jimin and Taehyung walked in right as the bell rang. Jungkook's assigned seat was right next to me which meant he usually arrived right as the bell rang or after. He did everything he could not to be stuck next to me any longer than he had to. He sat down next to me with a bitter look on his face which made me smile. This was my favorite class of the day.

"Good morning boys! How was everyone's weekend?" Jimin and Taehyung tensed their shoulders in front of me but otherwise didn't turn around. Jungkook on the other hand threw me a look that could kill. I giggled at seeing the vein in his neck pop because he was becoming angry at me. I sent him a big grin. "Why are you glaring at me Kookie?" I saw his jaw clench at the use of his nickname. He hated being called that, especially by me. He turned his head back toward the front of the classroom but not before I caught what he said.

"I'm hoping you'll spontaneously combust and die..."

"That's pretty harsh Kookie, I've never done anything to warrant this amount of hatred. It seems like you have some pent up aggression, maybe you should talk to someone about that." My reply caused his head to snap back to me with the most hateful look he could muster.

"Bite me Dallas," he spit. His head spun back toward the front of the room and a small smirk graced his lips. I sat there for a second before an idea formed in my head and I leaned over toward him until my lips were barely an inch from his ear. His smirk had disappeared but he made no move to back away.

"Just tell me where Kookie," I let my voice drop a bit. I saw his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed and let out an uncomfortable cough. He didn't say anything to me, instead he just pretended to ignore me.

Dallas-1 Jungkook-0

-EDITING- Daughter of the Mob / Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now