Chapter 2

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Jungkook's POV

After the whole 'bite me' incident, Dallas sat next to me quietly for the rest of the class. I noticed she was staring blankly at her nails while picking off her chipped red nail polish. I ran my eyes up from her nails to her elbows. Small bruises dotted her forearms and made a trail up to her neck where there was the faintest hand print shaped bruise. Trailing my eyes further up I noticed dark bags underneath her eyes like she hadn't had a good nights sleep in several years.

She was zoned out, not really listening to our teacher or the quiet chatter happening around her, and her forehead was creased in worry. Something was weighing heavily on her mind, something she probably wasn't able to control... not that I cared.

I knew more about her than she thought. She was aware I knew about her father but that was only because my father was the chief of police. He'd been working his ass off for years to try and put her father behind bars where he belonged... in my opinion she belonged there too. She was just as guilty as he was.

The more I got to know her and her cocky attitude the more I hated her. When we were little I used to have a small crush on her but now... I just couldn't stand being around her. I've been trying to get some solid evidence against her or her father for years, failing every time. She was a master manipulator and she was good at hiding her every move and emotion.

I heard the teacher clear her throat, drawing me back to focus on her. When she realized she had our attention she smiled.

"This project will be worth 60% of your grade, so don't slack off. This is your final! The best part is that I've assigned you all partners to work with!" Her excitement was overwhelming but the whole class collectively groaned at the idea of working with partners. She pulled out a sheet of paper and began listing off partners. I was hoping to be put with either Jimin or Taehyung but as she kept reading names the list dwindled until it was just me and...

"Yang Dallas you will be paired with Jeon Jungkook! You all have one month to complete this project. Use your time in class to work on it, but you may find you'll have to meet up outside of class to really make any headway," she said as the bell rang. Everyone got up and began putting their stuff away before they moved on to their next class. I turned to see Dallas had replaced her zoned out look from earlier to one of mischief.

"Well what do you know Kookie? Looks like we get to be partners in... crime!" She laughed at her own joke whereas I was less than amused. She stood up and threw her stuff into her bag. When she looked back up at me all traces of humor were gone from her face. "Mind if we keep this strictly at school? Not that I wouldn't love to see your sexy butt outside of school, but I don't have much time to dedicate to an after school thing." She didn't leave room for argument. She began walking out of the room but I wasn't going to give in that easy. I chased her out of the room and down the hall.

"Wait!" I grabbed her arm and spun her around. "Why can't we meet up after school? It's going to be damn near impossible to finish everything in class," I countered. I could see her steely resolve begin to crumble with my argument. She shook her head.

"I have an after school... job. I can't afford to miss work." Her head swiveled around to see some of the students passing by staring at us. It wasn't a secret that Dallas and I weren't friends. It must be very odd for people to see us talking in the hall. She pulled her arm out of my grip and turned tail. She basically ran away from me down the hall.

I had made her nervous, I had shook her up, and I felt a plan forming in my head. Maybe I could get close enough to her to get some dirt on her and her father. This project could be a blessing in disguise. Although one month with the most infuriating person I know was going to test me for sure.

I turned around to find Jimin and Taehyung standing behind me with curious looks on their faces. I shrugged my shoulders a bit and walked toward them.

"I'm not happy about this, but this may be my way in. I may be able to help my father convict her and her father. This could be our way to finally take them down!" I could feel myself getting excited. They shook their heads at me.

"I don't know man, that could be dangerous. But to be fair if your plans fail at least you get to spend some time with the hottest girl in school!" Jimin said. I gave him my most disgusted face as I turned back around to see Dallas standing outside her locker pulling books out in a hurry.

"She's not the hottest girl in this school, you're out of your mind!" I spat. Tae slapped me on the shoulder.

"No, YOU'RE out of YOUR mind. Dude, despite the fact that she's the daughter of Seoul's biggest mob boss, Dallas is smokin' hot! She's got the body, hair, and face of a model! She also looks like she can kick ass, which is another benefit. Don't be stupid Kook, we all may hate her but you have to admit she's gorgeous!" He told me.

I turned to look at her again and saw her staring back at me. Her sharp eyes were watching me closely and her mouth was quirked up at the side almost like she heard us. I felt a small blush rush up my neck. She winked and turned around and walked the opposite direction down the hall. I turned back to see the guys grinning at me and I just flipped them off and started walking toward my next class.

This was going to be a long ass month.

-EDITING- Daughter of the Mob / Jeon JungkookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin