Chapter 3

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Dallas' POV

As I ran away from Jungkook's stare I couldn't help but curse in my head. I could feel my thoughts shrinking down into one panicked one. My breath was picking up and my hands were starting to sweat. I quickly ran into the nearest bathroom before shutting myself in a stall and sliding down until I was sitting with my knees pulled up to my chest so tight I could barely breathe. I cupped my hands around my mouth and began breathing deeply trying to keep myself from having a panic attack.

The last thing I needed right now was Jungkook trying to sniff around in my business. He'd been at it for years, like I hadn't noticed I mean he's no James Bond, but this time it seemed he might be able to accomplish his goals. This was a curve ball I didn't need right now... not with my father breathing down my neck.

I figure he's keeping a closer eye on me since I'm almost done with school and it will almost be time for me to take over the family business... not that I really wanted to. He had always been hard on me, placing a well-deserved slap every now and again, but this was a whole new level. Nothing I had done recently had seemed right. Last week a deal went south, a deal I wasn't even at, and when I returned home from school my father pinned me so hard up against a wall I could barely breathe. All his men were standing around as he was screaming at me, so red in the face I thought his head might explode.

My breathing had finally slowed and returned to normal. I stood up on my shaky legs and dusted off my pants. One month with Jungkook wasn't the end of the world. Odds were that he wouldn't mind keeping his distance from me as much as I wanted to keep my distance from him right now. This was going to be easy. I didn't need to stress about it.

I spent the rest of the day absentmindedly going through the motions of my day. I was trying to focus on the deal I was heading tonight and how I was going to go about it. I didn't understand why my father decided I was the only one for this job... a 17 year old girl definitely seems like the right choice for a $700,000 arms deal... sure.

Lunch rolled around and I waltzed into the library to try and do a little research for this project with Kookie. My plan was to cram as much in as I could so that I didn't actually have that much to do with Kook during class. I was about 15 minutes into my extensive research when I felt a presence approaching from behind me. A couple seconds later a large body plopped itself down in the seat next to me. I chanced a look around quickly to make sure no one else was around us before I turned and shot the intruder a glare.

"What do you want Namjoon, I'm kind of busy right now," I quipped. He let a small smile grace his lips before answering me.

"I wanted to discuss tonight with you. You're heading the deal, right?" He asked. I motioned for him to drop his voice before looking around again.

"Lower your damn voice! God Joon! I can't believe you are seriously wanting to discuss this at school. You are, like, the worst mole ever!" I snapped in a hushed tone. He let out a small chuckle and smirked at me.

"I'm the best mole Boss Yang had babe, now answer the question," he bragged. I rolled my eyes at his cocky tone but scooted a bit closer to him and leaned in so no one could over hear us.

"Yes I'm leading the deal. Is there a reason you need to know this right now?!" He glanced around the library to make sure we were alone, as if I hadn't already done that five times but whatever, and nodded slightly.

"Yeah. Apparently Kookie's dad heard about it." This new information makes my heart stop. As if this job wasn't going to be nerve-wracking enough! Now I had to worry about the police finding out. Damn it. Namjoon must've sensed my nerves because he spoke up again. "He isn't sure where it is, he just knows it's going down. Be careful." With that he stood up and walked out of the library. I sat there for a few minutes, the research books before me completely forgotten.

The sound of the bell snapped me out of my thoughts. I stood up and slammed the books in front of me closed. Throwing everything into my backpack and dropping the books off at a cart near the doors I began walking to my next class. The pressure was on and if I messed this deal up I'd have more than just a few bruises and cuts. Father would make damn sure of that.

Slinking solemnly into my next class I took my seat and drug my textbook out of my bag. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and looked up to make sure the teacher wasn't watching before pulling my phone out. My blood ran cold when I saw the contact name.

Yang: I heard there was a leak. Leak has been taken care of. Don't mess up.

Well damn.

-EDITING- Daughter of the Mob / Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now