He just kept on smiling and moved his face closer to me.

My immediate response was to move back but somehow, my body just didn't want to respond.

Just when he was less than an inch away from my face, I heard a familiar sing-song voice

"Kassi and Rhys sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage"

I jumped away from Rhys, grabbed the largest book I could find, and ran to the door

"I'm going to kill you!"

Ethan let out a girly scream and I heard shuffling on the other side of door

"Muah haha" Ethan let out an evil laugh as he ran through the house

"Ugh! You're so annoying!!" I threw the dictionary

He barely dodged it

"Oh Shi..." he ran faster

I stopped short when I realized that I had the one advantage he would never have

"Hey Dimwit!" I yelled as he continued to run

"Yeah troll face" he called out

"Did you forget that I can control other wolves" I cackled evilly

He cursed and ran faster

"Stop" I yelled out

He stopped and immediately fell flat on his face

"My nose" he groaned and rolled over on his back

"Stay still" I commanded as I walked over to him nonchalantly and kicked his leg "Loser"

"You don't play fair Kass"

I laughed "You know I was never good at playing fair"

He grumbled "Yeah, I know"

I sat next to him and pinched him "Remember the time you replaced the peanut butter in my PB & J sandwich with mud?"

He laughed "The look on your face was priceless!"

I laughed too "And remember what I did?"

"Yeah" he muttered "You punched me in the face, knocking two of my teeth out before stealing my grandpa's rat traps and planting them all over my bed"

I snickered "Good times"

At that exact moment, Taylor turned the corner and raised an eyebrow

"Is there a reason why he's on the floor"

"The moron wasn't minding his own business so I used some of my Jedi mind powers on him"

Her eyes lit up "So he can't move right now?"

I shook my head "Nope"

"Good" she ran over to him before kicking him in the nuts

I slapped my hands over my mouth in shock

Ethan cried out in pain

"Why'd you do that?" I asked, looking at her like she was a crazy woman

"That's what you get!" she kicked his leg before turning to me "Because when were at the mall one day he told this cute guy I was flirting with that we needed to pick up the ointment for my  rash"

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