Chapter 13

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That afternoon at the hospital, Izzy had finished re-bandaging up Bill's shoulder. Sergio had told her to change the bandages every 5 hours, to make sure there wasn't an infection.

"There! That should do it!" Izzy gushed.

"Thanks Izzy... Hopefully my shoulder will be okay soon." Bill replied.

"Just take your time and you will be okay!" Izzy reassured. There was a pause as she mumbled, "I just hope Phone Guy is okay..."

Bill looked up at her in a bit of shock. Did she just say...

He asked her, "Izzy, did you say something about Phone Guy?"

Izzy covered her mouth quickly with her hands as she answered, "You heard me?"

Bill deadpanned, "I was shot in the shoulder, not in the ear." He adjusted himself on the working table to face Izzy. He asked, "Tell me now, how often does he call you?"

Izzy lowered her hands and confessed, "Well, a lot of times actually. Like right after the bite, he started to call me here at the hospital. At first I thought it was because he was worried about Jeremy. But when the phone calls kept coming after he was released, I sort of developed a friendship with Phone Guy. He seems so smart and while he is afraid of the animantronics, he doesn't want anything to happen to the next guy."

Bill blinked back a few tears as he whispered, "Yeah, that's Joe alright."

Izzy perked up as she started to say, "His name is..."

Bill covered her mouth with his hand and whispered lowly, "Do not say his name aloud. If William does want Freddy's as a sole enterprise, he will go after two people to do it: Joe and I. That's why we created the Phone Guy persona. To keep Joe safe."

Izzy lowered Bill's hand off of her mouth and whispered, "That makes a lot more sense. But it doesn't change the fact that I think Phone Guy is in trouble."

Before Bill could respond, Jeremy walked into the room.

"Hey, how is it going?" He asked.

"Hi Jeremy." Izzy greeted.

"Hello Fitzgerald." Bill added.

Jeremy turned to Bill and stated, "Sal told me what happened. Glad that you are okay."

Bill smiled a tad and replied, "Thank you for that, Jeremy." He sighed in worry as he added, "I am now legitimately worried about Phone Guy. He usually updates me before noon."

Jeremy looked at his watch, frowning as he replied, "It is 12:30 now."

Izzy was beyond worried now. She might not have known Joe, er, Phone Guy as well as Bill but she couldn't shake the feeling he was in danger.

"I can't help thinking he's in trouble..." Izzy admitted aloud.

"I happen to agree. This isn't like him at all..." Bill agreed.

"So what do we do? Michael is probably crashing at Sal's so we can't ask him to help." Jeremy told them.

Bill took out a piece of paper and pen. He wrote down an address. He then wrote down Joe's first name. He gave it to Jeremy.

He instructed, "I want you to go to this address, Jeremy. This is Phone Guy's apartment and his first name. If you find a Chevy in the parking lot, it means two things. Make sure he is there before reporting it back here to me."

Jeremy nodded as he responded, "Don't worry, I'll find out what's going on." He turned to Izzy and asked, "Want me to drop you off first?"

Izzy nodded as she answered, "Yeah, that sounds good." She turned to Bill and added, "I'll see you tonight Bill."

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