Chapter 3

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When Michael finally was able to see where Sal was driving them to, he nearly passed out then and there. It was a big secluded parking lot, protected by multiple cameras. There was one sole staircase that lead to an elevator. To the untrained eye, one would think that this place was a subway station but it wasn't. This was the parking lot for Circus Party Rentals, the place where Baby and her gang of animantronics were. Sal parked the patrol car, gaining Michael's attention. Sal didn't leave the car right away, his eyes solely on Michael.

"You don't have to be here, kid. You can leave here and now. But I have to check on Nate." Sal informed.

"I - I had no idea my father still had this place open..." Michael confessed.

"I'm not really that surprised, since you have been in jail for some time." Sal explained. The older gentleman got out of his car as he added, "I'll be back in fifteen."

As he went towards the stairs, he didn't know what shocked him more - the locking of his patrol car doors or the fact he heard Michael's footsteps behind him. But there he was, walking with Sal into the place of horrors. As they got into the subterranean elevator, the ride down was pretty quiet. Sal didn't know what to say to Michael - and vice versa. Sal was worried about Nate, especially since he was working here to get money for his grandmother's medicine. She had often called him, teasingly, Eggs Benedict. (Mainly because he loved eggs a lot.) And Sal knew if he didn't get Nate out of here, Nadine was going to have his ass. Anyways, when they got to the tunnel, Sal went in first. Michael followed behind, trying not to back out of this scheme. He needed to do this. He needed to find his sister... When they got to the main room, the two of them were very surprised how empty the room was.

"Where the hell is Nate?" Michael asked, getting a little scared.

Sal looked around, pressing down on the light button. The two looked out towards Ballora Gallery. That's when they saw someone hanging in the room. Michael almost immediately lost his lunch, swearing the air in the room was getting thinner by the second. Sal turned off the light. Michael grimaced. Even though Sal was a police officer, he didn't show any emotion to what was going around him. Michael knew different, since he had knew Sal for a good while. Sal then turned the light on in Funtime Auditorium. There was another person also hung in the room. Once again, Michael felt like throwing up. Sal turned off the light, seeing that the ventilation shaft was open.

"He must've gone into Funtime Auditorium." Sal told Michael.

"What for?!" Mike blurted out.

"Don't know. But we have to go and check on Nate." Sal sharply reminded him.

Michael gulped as he followed Sal into Funtime Foxy's stage. While it was completely quiet, Michael felt like his heart was the loudest thing in the room. Sal was ahead of him, bringing out a lighter. The area around them illuminated a bit.

"Where is Funtime Foxy?" Michael asked, scared.

Before Sal could answer, he heard someone coming up on his left. He took out his pistol. But what came into the light almost made him drop the lighter. There was Nate, his security top torn off as his stomach had a severe gash in it. Michael almost lost his lunch upon seeing all of that blood. Nate's skin was turning blue, as if he was getting no oxygen. His eyes had rolled back, replaced by a set of unnerving purple eyes. His legs were in terrible shape, covered with gashes. His legs and feet were bleeding but not as bad as his stomach.

"You shouldn't have come here, Officer. Now you and your friend have seen our handiwork." A familiar robotic female voice stated.

"I wasn't going to let you kill an innocent man, Baby." Sal protested.

"Baby...?" Michael whispered.

His voice, though low, caused Nate's body to go a step back for a moment and then a step forward. Michael paled. Shit.

"That's impossible!" The robotic voice declared, this time sounding like Funtime Freddy. "He can't be here... He wouldn't dare!"

"Well, I don't know about you guys but if that is him, we should kill him here and now!" Another robotic voice stated, this one being Bon-Bon the hand puppet.

"Wait..." An older robotic female voice demanded, this one being Ballora's. "He sounds scared. He sounds...different."

"He's the reason we had to stay in this hell hole! He is the reason we all came together and hatched this escape plan!" Baby hissed.

Before anything else could happen, the corpse of Nate fell to the floor, exposing Ennard. Michael was trying his hardest not to puke. Sal kept Michael behind him.

"Oh great, it fell apart!" Funtime Foxy complained.

"We could always use his skin." Bon-Bon suggested, pointing at Michael.

"Crap..." Sal groaned.

The animantronic barely moved as Michael backed away from Sal, wanting more than anything to run out the shaft. But that's when he heard a low humming sound. He looked at Ennard, in awe. He remembered a lullaby that sounded just like that when his Mum...

"Mum...?" Michael breathed.

"Wait...Michael?" Ballora asked, sounding like a concerned mother.

"He can't be Michael, Mum! He has done so many mean things!" Baby protested, earning a gasp from Michael. Ennard pointed its arm back at Michael as Baby hissed, "If you are who she says you are...then you deserve to be scooped, brother... you allowed for all of it to happen. Steven tried to warn you but you didn't listen to him. Now for that mistake, you are our puppet!"

Sal took a shot at Ennard but it was of no use, it just bounced right off. Michael backed up quickly, dropping to the ground. He could barely move, shaking badly. How could Ballora be his Mum? How could Baby be Lilly? He felt something at his feet and picked it up. It was a crowbar. Finding some strength, Michael picked it up and started to swing it at Ennard. Ennard growled lowly, backing off. Sal took a few more shots - but this time as a distraction. It was enough for Michael to get away from Ennard and the two of them to head towards the vents. Sal felt bad for leaving Nate behind but there was nothing he could do, Nate was already dead. As the two of them entered the shaft, Ennard started to follow them, though a good portion of it was lagging behind.


Wishmaker1028: Well guys, that ends our breathtaking chapter 3! Thanks for all of the reads and kuddos so far. Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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