Chapter 17

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That night, Michael went in first. Maya and Izzy waited in Maya's patrol car. Michael walked by Rick, whom had finished his work, and went into the office. Midnight quickly came and the animantronics were already out to play. Bonnie was in the Dining Hall and Foxy was peeking out of Pirate's Cove. Freddy and Chica hadn't moved yet.

Michael sneaked out of the office when he knew that he wouldn't be noticed. Michael tipped toed towards the front door, trying to raise too much suspicion. Sadly, Foxy growled lowly capturing Michael's attention. He turned, seeing Foxy running towards him. Michael screamed, running away from Foxy.

"Yee shall walk the plank, William!" Foxy promised.

'Oh shit. They think I'm father...' Michael thought, grimly. Michael ducked into the bathrooms, loosing Foxy. Michael panted quietly, catching his breath. When he peeked out a bit, he saw Foxy looking in the Dining Room for Michael. Once the fox animantronic was away from the doors that led to the lobby, Michael headed for the lobby. Once he got there, he unlocked the front door. That's when Maya and Izzy came in.

"How's it going, Michael?" Maya asked.

"They think I'm father!" Michael breathed.

"Shit..." Izzy cursed under her breath. "Doesn't that mean it will be ten times harder to find Joe, even if he is here?"

"Yeah, they are going to be breathing down our necks more than usual." Michael pointed out.

"So what's the plan, Maya?" Izzy asked.

Maya answered, "Since the animantronics think you are William, I'll use you as a distraction for Izzy and I to check the backroom for Joe. Once we find him, we will rendezvous back at the office."

Michael cracked his neck to the side as he whispered, "Bring it on."

"Did you just do that to look cool?" Izzy asked, raising an eyebrow.

Michael either didn't hear her or ignored her because he was gone within minutes. As the animantronics focused their attention on Michael, as Maya planned, the two girls headed towards Backstage.

Maya lead the charge, having her gun out just in case. Izzy lagged behind, holding a flashlight. Maya got to the backstage door and proceed with caution opening it. As Maya went in first, she made sure it was clear. She gestured to Izzy, putting her gun away.

"Clear." Maya reported.

The Backstage had to be the creepiest place in this location - or at least that's what both girls thought. Izzy turned on her flashlight, looking around. The stench was the strongest here, making Izzy gag.

" could anyone stand that smell?" Izzy complained.

"Joe! Can you hear me?!" Maya called.

"Joe? It's Izzy!" Izzy called, looking at each of the animantronic suits.

One of the Foxy suits in front of Izzy groaned as it moved its legs. Izzy screamed in horror, or at least she started to as Maya spun back around and quickly covered her best friend's mouth with her hand. The two looked at the suit that had moved, seeing that fresh blood coming from it. The man inside groaned in absolute agony. The two girls knew in an instant that this had to have been...

"Joe!" Maya breathed, relieved.

There was another groan from Foxy as the other leg moved slightly. Yet again, the man groaned in agony. More blood came out, making Izzy pale with fright.

"We got to take him to Mike! He can set Joe free!" Izzy told Maya.

"Hold on, I want him out of here as much as you do. But we can't have the animantronics breathing down our necks." Maya wisely told her.

Izzy knew Maya was right. Bringing Michael here was dangerous - so was bringing Joe to the office. If they moved him another inch, without deactivating the spring locks first - he would be dead. There was no option...unless...

Izzy's eyes went wide as she begged, "Maya, you have to get to the office!"

Maya hissed, with tears in her eyes, "And do what? Leave you here to die?!"

Izzy shook her head and stated, "No, I can stay here with Joe and patch him up. At least til the ambulance arrives."

"This is crazy, Hess! I'm not leaving you!" Maya firmly stated.

"You need to do your job, Richards." Izzy replied, putting down her foot.

Before they could argue further, that's when heard they heard low moan. Shit.


Michael arrived back at the office. He closed the left door on Foxy and Bonnie. He couldn't help but chuckle. He turned around, seeing that the girls were already there with a Foxy suit. The girls were out cold but the suit groaned.

"Joe...?" Michael asked, as the animantronic suit was bleeding. "Shit!" Michael swore as he slowly got off the head of the Foxy suit.

What he didn't know was that Chica was coming up to the opened right door. As Michael slowly got the mask off, he heard the right door closing. He turned, seeing Maya was up. She had closed the door.

"Even?" She asked, teasingly.

"Even." He answered, smiling.

Izzy got up as she rubbed her head and asked, "Huh...why is Golden Freddy always a thing in this damned place...?"

Michael was in shock as he got a good look at Joe. If he didn't know any better...

"Uh...Izzy...? I think Bill was withholding more information about Joe being Henry's son..." Michael trailed off.

Izzy's eyes flew open upon seeing Joe's eye color and hair color. He was awake but just barely as he face was bleeding a bit.

"That can't be possible..." Maya breathed. "And yet your Mom said your Dad was missing. Guess she was telling the truth on that one..."

"Joe is my father..." Izzy breathed, as Joe reached for her. "That's why...he responded to me... I'm his daughter..."

Izzy knelled down to Joe's eye level, almost in tears. She fought off an urge to hug the man but she turned to Maya.

"Get me the first aid kit! Dad, er, Joe isn't dying tonight!" She told them, determined.


Wishmaker1028: No but they might! Can our heroes survive the night? Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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