Chapter 10

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Michael was sitting with Maya and Ballora in the break room. Dean was outside, making sure that no one else came in. Sal was there too, having been released from the hospital earlier. Michael had powered Ballora back on, making the animantronic look at him in quiet awe. Michael gave her a small reassuring smile.

Michael commented, "Ballora...I want to talk to my Mum..."

Ballora opened her eyes, her iris color was a brilliant green color. Michael slowly smiled. It had worked.

"What are you going to do, Michael?" Ballora asked, in a strong British accent.

"I want to help you to try and crossover..." Michael answered, the tears apparent.

Ballora stroked his cheek very motherly like as Michael was trying his hardest not to cry further. He needed to focus.

"I am so proud of you, Michael." Ballora told him, a small smile on her face.

"How can you be proud of me? I was suppose to protect my siblings and I failed..." Michael whispered, tears about to roll down his face.

Ballora wiped his tears away as she whispered, "You didn't know what your father's intentions. You were just being a kid. And the worst part is, Steven dying wasn't your fault. William built the animantronics to collect or kill. He needs to be stopped. So I need you to promise me, before I go to the flipside, for you to stop William at all cost."

Michael swore, "I swear on my life, Mum. He will be stopped."

Ballora nodded, leaning forward and then kissed Michael on the forehead. For that split second, Michael felt the lips of a human - and not metal lips. That did it for him. He wounded up crying. Ballora closed her eyes, the animantronic starting to shake. Maya watched in awe as the animantronic stopped shaking. It toppled down, all of the life out of it.

Michael kept crying, knowing that his Mum had left Ballora and crossed to the flipside. Maya placed her hand on Michael's right shoulder. Michael looked at her, the tears in his eyes. Maya smiled sadly as Michael hugged her tightly. Maya was a bit startled by this, hearing Michael sobbing. Maya slowly returned the hug, rubbing his back.

While Maya's heart was pounding in her chest, earning her a jealous glare from Dean and a worried glance from Sal. Her eyes remained on Sal as she ran her fingers through his soft hair. Oh shit. Was she falling for him?


When the night came, Maya had dropped Michael off at work. He was all cried out, feeling a bit drained. He quietly greeted Rick, whom grabbed his wrist. Michael looked at him, trying his hardest not to say anything.

"Michael... I'm sorry." Rick whispered. "Beth was a good woman."

"How did you...?" Michael started to ask.

But Rick was already out the door. Michael blinked in confusion as he went into the office. He still had work to do.

Midnight quickly came and Michael waited for the phone to ring. It finally did, making Michael answer it quickly.

"Phone Guy?" Michael asked.

"Hey Mike. Day 2 for you, ain't it?" Phone Guy questioned.

"Yeah, not looking forward to it." Michael answered truthfully as he checked the tablet.

Bonnie had moved. Michael wasn't too surprised as he quickly tracked down the rabbit. She was Backstage. Chica and Freddy hadn't moved yet.

"Check Foxy from this night onwards. Don't spend too much time in the camera but do it enough to where it satisfies him." Phone Guy instructed.

Michael did just that. The curtains in Pirate Cove were still closed.

"He's not peeking yet." Michael informed.

"Good, keep it that way if you can." Phone Guy insisted.

Michael rubbed his eyes as he asked, "Phone Guy...I've been meaning to ask you. Why do you even stay with this job? I mean, there must be better jobs out there..."

Phone Guy chuckled, sarcastically stating, "And miss out on the killer animantronics? Never, Mr. Schmidt."

Michael raised an eyebrow and thought, 'Wait. He said last night he knew who I was. Why would he use the fake name Sal gave Nadine?'

Michael decided to change the subject and focused his attention back on the animantronics. He failed to realize a low groaning sound.


Meanwhile, William had made it to Bill's small house. He had brought the gun he had used to shoot Henry with. He kept quiet, moving in the shadows. He wore dark clothing and black gloves.

William got to an open window that led into the kitchen. He quietly lifted up the window, enough for him to come into the house.

William lowered the window back to its original position, deciding to keep things clean. He walked to the living room, where he saw the TV on. The sound was muted so William quickly put the silencer on his gun.

William stood on the side of Bill, pulling the trigger. Just as he was about to fire, a trigger being pulled caught his attention. Bill was awake and pointing a gun at William.

"Well well well, look at who came to visit little old me." Bill commented.

William chuckled a bit nervously as Bill got out of his chair. Bill kept his trigger finger itchy. Apparently, it wasn't itchy enough. Though he didn't hear it, he collapsed to the floor, holding his left shoulder.

"See, Mr. Alana? I always come out on top. And soon, you will be dead. And he will be next! Freddy's will never go under!" William declared.

Bill pointed his gun at the ceiling and fired a couple of shots. William got frightened from the noise as a dog in the neighborhood started barking. William snarled, running for the back door. Bill slowly fainted, still holding his arm.



Joe perked up almost immediately when he heard the groan. The call was dropped as he tried to call the office. Nothing. He tried to call Bill. Nothing. Shit. Joe quickly called Maya.

She answered and started to say, "Hello, this is Chief Richards..."

Joe instructed, "Maya, its Phone Guy. I've lost touch with Michael. I tried calling the office back but no luck. I also tried calling Bill. No answer there either."

Maya stated calmly, "I'll check on Michael. I'll have Sal check on Bill."

"Thank you..." Joe told her as he heard her hang up.

He quickly put on his blue jacket, putting on his sneakers. He then put his wallet into his pocket, grabbing up his keys. He flew out the door, locking up his crummy apartment as he did.

He ran towards the parking lot, hoping that this was nothing but a practical joke. As he was about to get to his Chevy, he felt someone knocking him out from behind. He hit the ground, bleeding a little bit as he lost consciousness.


Wishmaker1028: If it wasn't apparent that Joe is in trouble, it is now! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

Sins of a FatherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora